Edinburgh Visit Kingswells Primary School Primary 6 pupils Thursday 8th – Friday 9th March 2018
Please welcome Andrew, Jake, Lauren and Rio Edinburgh Visit Please welcome Andrew, Jake, Lauren and Rio
P6 Edinburgh Trip By the house captains
Contents How to prepare The journey Accomodation What we do
How to Prepare What to pack What you’re not allowed
The Journey When we leave What you can do on the journey
Accommodation and food Premier inn Rooms Breakfast
What we do Dynamic Earth Art gallery Pizza hut and bowling Zoo
Great Experience Overall we had a great trip and we have lots of good memories from our trip in Edinburgh Having been to Loch Insh now we can see how much this trip helped us gain confidence and be more independent
An Extra Reminder Grow a fiver will be taking place in term 4 so now would be a good time to start thinking how you can grow your fiver Last year we had activities such as nails, tattoos, popcorn, beat the goalie, darts game, home bakes, car washes A good tip to earn more money is to do more activities outside of school
Thank you for listening Thank you for listening. If you have any questions please feel free to ask
Day 1 - Thursday 8th March 7.40 am Arrive at school / prepare to leave 11.30am Arrive at Our Dynamic Earth. 2.30 pm Arrive at Portrait Gallery. 4pm Arrive at Premier Inn Hotel, Haymarket. 6pm Evening meal at Pizza Hut followed by tenpin bowling at Fountain Park 9.00pm Return to hotel and relax 9.30pm Bed 10.00pm Lights out
Day 2 – Friday 9th March 7.30 am Shower / wash / get dressed / and pack 8.30 am Breakfast 10.00 am Arrive at Edinburgh Zoo 2.00pm Leave for Aberdeen 5.30pm approx. Arrive home to Kingswells
What to bring? Comfortable clothing and sensible footwear suitable for walking. School polo shirt and sweatshirts Packed Lunch for Day 1 (in a bag) Warm, waterproof jacket Change of clothes for evening (optional) Nightwear Toiletries Pocket money (around £15 ) Camera and I-Pod – BUT THESE ARE TAKEN AT OWN RISK
Staff for Edinburgh Trip Mrs Moira MacIver Mrs Aileen McNair Miss Emma Lohoar Mr Leon Marongwe PSA/teacher Mrs Shirley Stout One or two parent helpers
The Finer Details Cost £94 per pupil Deposit £50 paid Friday 2nd February Full payment by Friday 3rd March Any difficulties, please see Mrs McNair or Mrs MacIver Fill in medical V4 form and return to school as soon as possible please. Medical needs / dietary requirements
Other general info A Groupcall text will be sent out with our expected return time. Spend pocket money wisely. Medicine and forms. Sharing rooms. Hotel safety. Enjoy the trip
EXPECTATIONS Good behaviour at all times Safety procedures to be adhered to No mobile phones EVERYBODY ENJOYS THE VISIT!
‘Grow a Fiver’ To help raise funds to reduce costs for Loch Insh. Loch Insh is booked for Monday 26th August. Community activities are encouraged as these are often the most lucrative!