Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Sally Bird, CfBT SfLIP 1 Cafe talk Sally Bird and the London numeracy activists CfBT Education Trust Skills for Life Improvement Programme
Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Sally Bird, CfBT SfLIP 2 Put numeracy / maths centre stage Senior management responsibility Maths / numeracy lead in every organisation Prioritise numeracy budget Stimulate the London WOM factor
Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Sally Bird, CfBT SfLIP 3 Grow and support the numeracy champions Develop peer coaching Share development and delivery of numeracy ITT and CPD Mainstream maths preparation programmes at L3 Professional support for numeracy teacher trainers and champions
Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Sally Bird, CfBT SfLIP 4 Get HR and staff development policy and practice right Numeracy staff dev policy at the heart of the business – Full-time posts – Budget for CPD – Train people for role – Maths development for all e.g. GCSE, Move On – entitlement
Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Sally Bird, CfBT SfLIP 5 Develop networks and partnerships Partnership between providers Peer working groups (SfLIP) Partnerships between trainers / teachers Use NCETM website for communities of practice
Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Sally Bird, CfBT SfLIP 6 Develop teaching and learning Help people to be sophisticated with the maths theyve got Everyone to use maths and numeracy activities Teach language through maths Use oral / visual approaches in numeracy initial assessments