Chapter 18 Naturally Occurring Nitrogen-Containing Compounds Amino Acids: Structure and Properties Hydrophobic, Hydrophilic, acidic and basic side groups Essential Amino acids - not synthesized in the body, must be ingested Non-essential Amino acids - synthesized internally Titration of Amino Acids 3 1
Chapter 18 Naturally Occurring Nitrogen-Containing Compounds Amino Acids: Structure and Properties Structure of Amino Acids (20 common amino acids found in proteins) hydrophobic side chain groups (nonpolar side chain) ala, gly, ile, met, phe, pro, trp, val hydrophilic side chain groups (polar side chain) asn, gln, ser, thr Acidic side chain groups asp, glu, cys, tyr Basic side chain groups arg, his, lys Properties of Amino Acids pKa of -CO2H, pKa of -NH3+, pKa of side chain and isoelectric point called PI Electrophoresis -separation based on electric charge. Positive charged moves towards negative electrode and negative charged towards positive electrode 3 3