Guided Tour: NetApp Visio Library
The NetApp Visio Library NetApp is pleased to announce that NetApp Visio stencils are now available for public download on Visio Café Stencils are available free of charge These slides provide a quick guided tour: 2D Stencils with photorealistic look and feel Customizable dynamic shapes New 3D shapes Presentation icons Customizable borders
2D Photorealistic Stencils 2D Stencils are available for all currently shipping NetApp products All stencils are photorealistic and suitable for print or publication. High resolution photography was used to ensure accuracy and greater detail. Stencils are organized by product type Some stencils are customizable “smart shapes” Stencils such prompt you for information (e.g. disk shelf no., disk type) when you drag them to your diagram Exactly matches factory appearance Ensures diagram accuracy Following 2 slides illustrate these features
2D Photorealistic Stencils Physical Fronts and Rears The 2D rack stencils have been completely re-drawn for the current product line with ?? Stencils 2D look and feel— Wanted to create something that was usable in print or publication—diagram or photograph To accomplish this look—used reference photography from product photo shoots (Some products due out that were delayed) products they are replacing were not re-drawn— Stencils are separate by product type—FAS series—disk shelves—VTL and NearStore— Within Visio—reference icons for each shape--
Dynamic “Smart” Shapes Allow System Customization 2D shapes have advanced features “smart shapes” For certain types of shapes—drag into diagram—prompt for shelf ID—change look and feel Disk drives—second example—based on input it will change the badge—matches what ships from factory You can really make configurations accurate w/ these stencils—for documentation purposes, etc.
New Shapes Introduced in Visio 2003 In Visio 2003, Microsoft added New 3D Isometric stencils that have become very popular. Visio 2003—Msoft introduced a new set of 3-D stencils—isometric shapes—NetApp did not have anything that matched this look – a few customer complaints NetApp has created similar, compatible shapes. 6
Matching NetApp 3D Isometric Shapes Result—3D—created isometric shapes to match style—very popular—partner is creating a whole set of these shapes because they are so popular--
3D Isometric Shapes: Dynamic Properties Dynamic properties include shadows and anchor points that allow NetApp objects to snap together. Shapes have dynamic properties Toggle shadows Anchor points—connect together—snap together to creat more advanced configs
NetApp Presentation Icons Presentation icons previously only available for PowerPoint have now been created for Visio to ensure figure quality. Isometric forms for some of these shapes are in the works. Presentation Icons—previously only in PowerPoint—if you put them in Visio—distort—converted presentation Icons to vector based format that can be used in Visio—without losing quality of the diagram Going to be converting some of the NetApp infrastructure shapes to the isometric format--
Border Template A new border template has been provided to drive document consistency and create a common look and feel. Information is pulled automatically from document properties. Updates automatically.
Border Template Document Save Date Project Name Author Drives consistency in the diagrams—common look and feel—pulled from document properties—all information updates automatically-- Author Scale & Page Num Drawing Title Filename and Version
Reminder: Visit Visio Café for more Info Free NetApp Visio stencils are available for public download on Visio Café Current NetApp product lines only (e.g. FAS3000, FAS6000, V-Series, VTL, Decru) Also look for stencils from other popular vendors Great Visio resource site in general! NetApp Classic stencils are also available NOW user login required Fix layout—emphasize that it’s free—current product lines only— Classic stencils include are for products that are no longer being shipped—slightly different look and feel—will work with these stencils— A few exceptions 250, 270 and R200 – still shipping– only available in classic stencils currently--