Welcome back! Grab a handout Review revolution, check calculations Discuss Earth’s 3rd Motion By the end of the hour you should be able to accurately describe the 3 distinct motions of the earth and identify their periods
Earth’s 3rd Motion Precession The wobbling of the Earth’s Axis As a result of the wobble what will change? Period is about 26,000 years. In 26,000 years what will be the North Star?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_precession https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precession#Astronomy
So why does the Earth precess? Tidal forces from the moon and sun (and Jupiter to a small degree) Basically the ocean water rubbing against the ocean basins due to tides, creates friction and the friction slows the Earth’s rotation down.
Assignment Earth’s Motion book Questions (1-11)