Coordination It refers to the willingness of people to help each other. On the other hand, it is a deliberate efforts of a manager to put things in order and achieve common objectives. For e.g.. Take the case of a group of people trying to move a heavy object. They have enough strength to carry out the task, willing to put in their best and are fully conscious of their common goal.
Need for coordination Division of labour:- When managers divide the work into specialized functions or departments, they at the same time create a need for the coordination of these activities. Generally the greater the divisibility of labour, the greater the need for coordination. Increase in size and complexity of operations;- Growth in the number and complexity of activities is a major factor requiring coordination.
Need for coordination ( cont.) 3. Specialization:- Usually in an organization, work is divided along functional lines. Thus, we have specialists taking care of manufacturing, financing, personnel, marketing functions. 4. Independence of units :- When a department depends on the activities of other departments to carry its own activity, units are said to be inter-dependent. In an organization, various units depend upon one another for their successful functioning.
Requisite/Necessary for good coordination Direct contact:- Coordination can be more easily achieved by direct personal contact among the responsible people concerned. Early start:- Coordination can be achieved more readily in the early stages of planning and policy making. While preparing the plan itself there should be mutual consultation.
Requisite/Necessary for good coordination (cont.) Continuity:- Coordination is a continuous process and it must go on all time starting from the stages of planning. Clear cut objectives:- Clear cut objectives are essential for securing effective coordination in an enterprise. The departmental managers should be told of the objectives of the enterprise and be prevailed upon to work for the common goal of the enterprise.
Significance of coordination Increases efficiency Improves human relations Interdepartmental harmony Key to other functions
Coordination process Clearly defined and understood objectives Proper division of work Good organization structure Clear lines of authority Regular and timely communication Sound leadership
Techniques of coordination Sound planning Sound and simple organization Chain of command / Hierarchy Effective communication Special coordinators Sound leadership
Types of coordination Internal and external coordination:- Coordination b/w the different units of an organization is called internal coordination. It involves synchronization of the activities and efforts of individuals, in various departments, plants and offices of an organization. The coordination b/w an organization and its external environments, consisting of govt. , customers, suppliers is known as external coordination
Types of coordination(cont.) Vertical and horizontal coordination:- Coordination b/w different levels of an organization is called vertical coordination. It is achieved by top mgt., through delegation of authority. When coordination is brought b/w various positions, at the same level in the organization( i.e. b/w production, sales, finance, personnel etc.) it is called ‘horizontal coordination.' It is achieved through mutual consultants and cooperation
Difficulty of coordination Differences in orientation towards particular goals Difference in time orientation Differences in interpersonal orientation System approach and coordination