Back To School Night 6th Grade
Introductions Mrs. Seufert- Writing and Science 19 years in Red Lion, 13th year in 6th grade Mrs. Zech- Reading and Social Studies 13 years in Red Lion, 12th year in 6th grade Miss Riffert- Math 19 years in Red Lion, 6th year in 6th grade Mrs. Busse- Learning Support
Sign Up BizTown volunteer sign-up sheet outside homeroom teacher’s classroom (must have clearances)- Junior Achievement sign-up outside homerooms- Please note that you will not be teaching a 6th grade class if you do sign up.
NEW WEBSITE Always scroll down and select PV Then search for staff members You CANNOT sign-in to the new webpage Remember to find grades go to Parents/Parent EdLine We will be “posting” each month to the new website These pages can be found by going to, then select PV, then searching for any staff member (Kerry Zech, Rosanne Seufert, Colleen Riffert) Our “Post” links Zech Seufert Riffert
EdLine Grades will be posted here weekly, unless no assignments were graded that week. Please check your child’s grades at least once a week.
Materials Your student will be provided with all of the items necessary to be successful in 6th grade. Some students do wish to have binders to keep their materials organized. That is completely up to you and your child. There are online textbooks available for math, science, and social studies. There will be a letter with information on how to access them sent home September 6th. Keep that letter the entire school year. You never know when you will need it.
6th Grade Experiences BizTown Junior High- If your child is going to be a walker, please practice with your child in the spring before we head to the junior high.
Classroom Expectations Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Prepared Be Safe Discipline Book- sign 3 times and then receive a school referral School PRIDE program Homework to be completed before arriving to school- if it is incomplete or missing they will not receive credit for that assignment. Organization is a MUST!
Procedures Take Home Folders-check nightly and clean out regularly Assignment books-packet provided by us Make- Up Work- homeroom teacher will have all missed work upon return to school. You can also contact us to send home. Please contact before 1PM if you want it sent home. It is imperative that the student complete all items listed on their make-up work sheet. Lunch is at 11:15 Recess is at 11:45 Educational Trip Forms can be obtained in the office Excuse Blanks must be returned within 3 days of absence. There is an option to fill out online excuse blanks through the RLASD website.
Need To Know Dates First Day of School August 23rd No School September 5th Picture Day September 9th October 25th 2 hour Delay October 26th end of 1st marking period October 21st Parent/Grandparent Visitation October 14th BizTown November 17th 5-8PM, 21st 8AM-8PM, and 22nd 8AM- 12PM parent teacher conferences November 21st-28th Thanksgiving Break
Pop into Reading Go and visit the library to meet Mrs. Livingston and get some great information about our Reading team at PV!!! There are light refreshments!