1. cajole (v.) to persuade or coax, especially by using pleasant words. First he tried to cajole the witness into testifying, then he used threats.
2. callous (adj.) unfeeling; insensitive. It was a surprise to see tears flowing from someone we had considered to be callous. 2. callous (adj.) unfeeling; insensitive.
3. capitulate (v.) to surrender; to give in. Colonel Leeds was adamant in his decision not to capitulate under any terms. 3. capitulate (v.) to surrender; to give in.
4. capricious (adj.) changeable; fickle. The weather wa so capricious that it was difficult to make weekend plans. 4. capricious (adj.) changeable; fickle.
5. carping (adj.) complaining. His carping criticism of the book was upsetting to the author. 5. carping (adj.) complaining.
6. catalyst (n.) someone or something that brings about a change. Our new school principal was the catalyst behind changind many of the hated school policies. 6. catalyst (n.) someone or something that brings about a change.
7. catharsis (n.) an emotional release or relief. The tragedy on stage brought about a catharsis among the audience members. 7. catharsis (n.) an emotional release or relief.
8. caustic (adj.) stinging or biting; mean; unkind. George’s caustic remarks were quite hurtful to the sensitive lady. 8. caustic (adj.) stinging or biting; mean; unkind.
9. celestial (adj) divine; having to do with the heavens. Miss America was praised lavishly for her celestial grace. 9. celestial (adj) divine; having to do with the heavens.
10. censure (v.) to blame; criticize; to condemn. The television station will probably censure the newscaster for his blatant lies. 10. censure (v.) to blame; criticize; to condemn.