To fulfil Manifest Destiny and send settlers west easily The East needed to take law, order and government over to the West and create national unity The government wanted access to ports on the west coasts, to open up trade links with other countries To fulfil Manifest Destiny and send settlers west easily Money was a problem because they needed it to build the railway. They had to convince people to lend them the money The land that was being built on was difficult and tested the skills of the engineers and construction workers Railway workers lived in terrible conditions and faced attacks from Indians and extreme weather Some farmers believed that railway builders only cared about profit and not good service Wagon and stage coach companies were put out of business by the railway The railway broke down the way of life of the Natives and disturbed the hunting grounds and buffalo herds A lot of jobs were created There was a huge growth in industries (e.g. steel) in America that supplied the railway Law enforcement could travel easily to the west and sort out law and order problems Goods could be taken from the east to the west, which allowed the west to grow and develop Cattle ranching grew on the Plains New cities e.g. Los Angeles grew and flourished in the west Companies began trading with other countries via the sea ports Contact with distant relatives became easier Thousands of people e.g. Homesteaders were able to travel easily to the west Trade that was helped by the railway increased the wealth of the country The railway provided new opportunities for people and businesses