March 2014, Oostende, Belgium


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Presentation transcript:

17 - 21 March 2014, Oostende, Belgium ODINAfrica-Biodiversity ODINAFRICA Training Course on Marine Biodiversity Data Management 17 - 21 March 2014, Oostende, Belgium

Overview The earlier phases of ODINAFRICA : Enabled the participating Member States to get access to data available in other data centres worldwide, Develop skills for manipulation of data and preparation of data and information products, and Develop infrastructure for archival, analysis and dissemination of the data and information products. The current phase aims at improve the management of coastal and marine resources and the environment in participating countries by: enhancing data flows into the national oceanographic data and information centre in the participating countries, strengthening the capacity of these centres to analyze and interpret the data so as to develop products required for integrated management of the coastal areas of Africa, and increase the delivery of services to end users.

ODINAFRICA Products Marine Atlas African Repository of Marine Related Publications Africa Ocean Portal Register of Marine Species

AfReMaS? AfReMas is a taxonomic database of marine species found along the African coasts. The database was originally developed as the Marine Species Database for Eastern Africa (MASDEA). It was extended after to the entire African coasts. AfReMas aims to compile and manage an authoritative list of species occurring in African marine coasts. It is intended to be used as support for biodiversity research for conservation and sustainable management of marine environment.

Taxonomy Distribution Taxonomic data Distribution data Statistics data Statistics data Maps

Contribution to AfReMaS Data mining Database governance Data quality control Data valorization: link to others programs

Contribution to AfReMaS Input data to the registrer: three mobilisation workshops (2006,2007,2012) 2006 2012 Mollusca species 4 772 3 982 Porifera species 1 309 2 340 Decapoda species 2 752 2 764 Total accepted species (all groups) ? 19 050 2006 2012 Mollusca distributions 9 566 11 458 Porifera distributions 5 185 8 465 Decapoda distributions 9 936 17 630 Total distributions (all groups) 59 137 79 025

Contribution to AfReMaS Input from 2012: individual inititatives

Governance TORs for the SC established: Designates and replaces editors to contribute and validate content to the database Supervises editors and controls access and edit rights of editors Initiates and coordinates activities amongst the editors, such as providing new database content, collaborative publications, and funding applications Implements decisions related to AfReMaS Monitors and controls regular database progress and licenses database use through a standard application form Negotiates exceptional uses of the database outside the standard license Liaises with other international programs concerning the database Coordinates AfReMaS editors workshops

Governance One representative from each LMI region

Governance Several meetings organised to identify SC members : ODINAFRICA PSC meeting 26-28 November 2012, Namibia ODINAFRICA MI workshop, 24 September - 3 October 2012, Nairobi, Kenya Regional Coodination Meeting for the CC LME, Mediterranean and Red Sea Tunis, Tunisia 17-19 December 2012 Regional coordination meeting for GCLME region Lomé, Togo, 25-27 March 2013 ODINAFRICA IV planning and review meeting 26-29 May 2013, Mapotu Mozambique few nomination

Data quality control Covered by this workshop The ODINAFRICA NODCs should be requested to review the database and provide additional information to improve it. This should include: Gazetteers Literature Taxonomy...

Data valorization: link to others programs AfrOBIS Data in OBIS Data in AfReMaS

Data valorization: link to others programs LMEs

Expectations… Focal points for data mining in your region Identify editors to contribute and validate content to the database Liaises with other international programs concerning the database Providing new database content, participate to collaborative publications, and funding applications