GST Implementation in Miracle GST Ready Miracle Version 9.0 Release 2.0 GST Implementation in Miracle Let see what are the changes in Product Master related to GST.
GST Module in Miracle Software
Product Master Here, “Assign GST Commodity” button is given to assign the GST Commodity to the Product.
Product Master We can select multiple product to assign GST Commodity. After that click on Edit button. (Short cut key CTRL + E)
Product Master Select GST Commodity
GST Commodity to the VAT Commodity products. Product Master Hence, we can assign GST Commodity to the VAT Commodity products.
Product Master After click on ‘With GST Commodity’ button, we can see the list of products which are ‘still remain’ to assign GST Commodity.
Product Master This list shows, GST Commodity is still remaining to assign. Clicking on ‘With GST Commodity’ button, we can see the list of products which has been already GST Commodity assigned. (Press short cut key “F7”).
Product Master In this Product list, GST Commodity already assigned. Clicking on All button, we can see all products of both commodity.