Biology is the study of life What is Biology? Biology is the study of life
SO… WHAT IS LIFE Life is defined by a list of characteristics organisms must possess to be considered living. All living organisms contain the same life functions although their means of achieving them may be different
Life Functions Two Types of Nutrition Autotrophic Heterotrophic 1. Nutrition - activities of an organism, used to obtain materials from the environment and process them for their use. Two Types of Nutrition Autotrophic Heterotrophic Materials CO2 H2O Light Energy Organic Food Process Photosynthesis Ingestion Digestion Egestion Organism Plants & Algae All other organisms
Nutrition Autotrophic Heterotrophic
Life Functions 2. Transport - involves the absorption and distribution of materials within an organism.
Life Functions Respiration - includes the chemical process by which an organism obtains energy (ATP) from its food (Glucose). Food (glucose)
Respiration vs. Breathing Breathing is taking air in and out Respiration is converting food into energy.
Life Functions 4. Excretion - the removal of wastes produced by cells during metabolic activities. kjkjdlkfjlkjflkdslfjklsadjfklsjadkfjlsd
Life Functions Synthesis - includes the chemical activities by which an organism builds larger molecules from smaller ones. (to make) kjkjdlkfjlkjflkdslfjklsadjfklsjadkfjlsd
Life Functions 6. Regulation - involves the control and coordination of various activities in an organism. (Nervous system and Endocrine system play a role). kjkjdlkfjlkjflkdslfjklsadjfklsjadkfjlsd
Life Functions 7. Growth - increases in cell size and/or cell numbers.
Life Functions 8. Reproduction - production of new individuals. A species’ survival depends on reproduction. An individual’s survival does not.
II. Important Terms 1. Metabolism - refers to all the life functions needed to sustain life. Does not include reproduction 2. Homeostasis - the maintenance of a stable internal environment. (Regulation helps to achieve Homeostasis) Your body systems are constantly adjusting to maintain homeostasis.
MR STRANGER M=Metabolism R= Respiration S= Synthesis T= Transport R= Regulation A= Ambulation (Locomotion) N=Nutrition G=Growth E=Excretion R= Reproduction Hi Guys!!! I’m Mr Stranger