An apple Two apples BUT A peach Two peaches
What are the rules?
Rule 1: Most words become plural by adding –s Pencil Book Chair Boy Pen Pencils Books Chairs Boys Pens
Rule 2: Words that end in -ch, -sh, -x, -ss, -o add -es watch brush box boss tomato watch brush box boss tomato es es es es es
Rule 3: Words that end in a consonant + -y drop the –y and add -ies ferr famil dictionar countr y ferr famil dictionar countr ies y ies y ies y ies
Rule 3: Words that end in a consonant + -y drop the –y and add -ies ferr famil dictionar countr y ferr famil dictionar countr ies y ies y ies y ies
Rule 4: Words that end in –f or -fe drop the –f and add -ves wi kni li lea fe wi kni li lea ves fe ves fe ves f ves
Rule 4: Words that end in –f or -fe drop the –f and add -ves wi kni li lea fe wi kni li lea ves fe ves fe ves f ves
Rule 4: Words that end in –f or -fe drop the –f and add -ves roof roofs chef chefs cafe cafes EXCEPTIONS
Rule 5: There are some irregular plurals man woman person child foot tooth mouse men women people children feet teeth mice