Greek Mythology Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before me.” And there’s a good reason for that!!
God One true God – “I am” – Exodus 3:14 Creator – Genesis 1:1 Provider – Psalm 54:4 Protector – Psalm 91 Savior – Acts 13:23 Counselor – John 14:26 Alpha and Omega – Revelation 22:13
Greek Mythology Ancient Greece was a pagan culture Ancient Greece was a polytheistic culture For thousands of years it was the dominant culture as the Greeks conquered and spread across the world This culture’s ideas and traditions still influence our culture today
Greek Mythology Origins of the gods Uranus and Gaea – father and mother of the titans Cronos – King of the titans; wife was Rhea Prophecy Ate his children one at a time, Rhea caught on after five, gave him a stone and hid her sixth child – Zeus
Origins of the gods Zeus was raised by nymphs (water humanoids) and a magic goat in a cave When he grew up, he married Metis, the goddess of prudence (wisdom or common sense) Two different versions Metis gave Cronos an herb to cause his to throw up the other five children and together they defeated Cronos Zeus cut open Cronos in a fight and released the other children
Origins of the gods Either way, Cronos was defeated and Zeus became most powerful of the gods His brothers and sisters ruled with him becoming the Olympians
The Olympians There are six gods and goddesses that make up the major Greek gods They are all the children of the titans Cronos and Rhea They are the goddesses Hestia, Demeter, and Hera, and the gods Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus All but Hades are called Olympians because they lived on Mount Olympus with seven other gods
Zeus Zeus and his brothers drew lots for who would control the sea, underworld and sky Zeus got the sky He remained the king and most powerful Symbols for Zeus Lightning bolt Eagle
Zeus He chose Hera, his sister, as his wife They had at least 4 children Ares – god of war Hebe – goddess of youth and cupbearer of the gods Eileithyia – goddess of child birth Hephaestus – god of fire and the forge – only ugly god
Hera Sister and wife of Zeus Goddess of marriage and considered the queen of the gods Spent most of her time trying to keep Zeus from being unfaithful, and being jealous and vengeful Her symbols are the peacock and cow
Poseidon Zeus’ brother and god of the sea; second only in power to Zeus Created horses to impress Demeter His wife is Amphitrite His weapon and symbol is a trident Many children, including Triton
Demeter Goddess of the harvest Only daughter was Persephone (Zeus was probably her father) Symbols were corn, grain, bread, cornucopia
Hades God of the underworld (not of the dead or death) Not welcomed on Mt. Olympus – not an Olympian Always looking to increase the population in Hades (obviously named after him) Greedy – god of wealth Symbols – helmet, metal and jewels; often appears with Cerebus
Hestia Zeus’ sister Goddess of the hearth Ancient Greek cities each had a public fire dedicated to her (not allowed to go out) No husband or children
Other Olympians Apollo – son of Zeus and Leto; god of music, healing, light, and truth Artemis – daughter of Zeus and Leto; goddess of the hunt, childbirth, wild things Ares – son of Zeus and Hera; god of war; symbols are vulture and dog Athena – daughter of Zeus, no mother; goddess of wisdom and civil defense; inventor of bridle, trumpet, flute, pot and all kinds of things useful to man; symbols are owl, olive and city of Athens
Other Olympians Aphrodite – goddess of romantic love; daughter of Zeus and Dione; symbols are myrtle tree, dove, swan, and sparrow – her famous son is Eros (Cupid in Roman mythology) Hermes – son of Zeus and Maia; messenger of the gods; he wears winged sandals and hat and carries a wand; he is also the god of thieves and commerce; guide for the dead to the underworld; invented lyre, pipes, astronomy, weights and measures Hephaestus – son of Zeus and Hera; the only ugly god; god of the fire, the forge and metal works; makes tools, weapons and useful and beautiful things for the gods and goddesses; his wife is Aphrodite but she is unfaithful
Personification Giving non-human things human characteristics Has its roots in pantheism; paganism god or goddess assigned to everything Dawn, Sun, Moon, Harvest, Music, etc.
Hubris Excessive human pride Human characteristic Caused the most trouble