Introduction to the Workshop TEEB Country Studies Learning from Experience and How to Utilise the Results Bettina Hedden-Dunkhorst German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Potsdam Initiative – Biological Diversity 2010 ……the economic significance of the global loss of biological diversity…. TEEB Interim Report CBD COP-9, Bonn, May 2008 TEEB Main Reports Nov – Oct CBD COP-10, Nagoya TEEBs genesis … Implementation & Facilitation: TEEB country studies & WAVES local TEEB initiatives & follow up projects, CBD COP 11, Hyderabad, … TEEB Phase I TEEB Phase IITEEB Phase III
… and Various events Oktober 2011: Vilm – Workshop on European TEEB Processes March 2012: Leipzig – TEEB Conference... WCC, CBD COP XI, EU, ESP... April 2013: Batumi – 6 th Biodiversity in Europe - TEEB in Pan-Europe Projects TEEB Guidance Manual for Country Studies ENTRP EU Pilot Study on Natural Capital Accounting...
… and Various initiatives and processes related to TEEB CBD Strategic Plan WAVES UN-SEEA EU Biodiversity Strategy towards
The Workshops Objectives Right time for exchange Synergies can be generated by linking/integrating TEEB to related processes Growing demand for TEEB results by policy I.Exchange of experiences on TEEB Country Studies II.Learn about the broader context of TEEB implementation and how to link up and get engaged III.Discuss the utilization /implementation of TEEB results
… more specifically policy-makers need information on, e.g. where to invest public funds... what policy instruments to use to implement CBD, EU, NBS targets...
Workshop Schedule 22nd May, Wednesday23rd May, Thursday24th May, Friday Introduction to the Isle of Vilm I) TEEB Country Studies * TEEB Nordic Synthesis * TEEB India * TEEB Germany * TEEB Brazil * TEEB Netherlands Samoan Circle: Learning from Experiences Summary of Previous Day and Reports from Interactive Exercise II) International Landscape of TEEB Implementation * UNEP TEEB * TEEB and CBD NBSAPs * GIZs Supporting Activities * EU MAES Process III) Utilization of TEEB Results * The South African TEEB Study * Utilization of UK-NEA * TEEB Flanders - Expectations from Policy- Makers? World Café: Utilization of TEEB Results Lunch Working Groups I : The Challenges to undertake a TEEB Country Study TEEB Guidance Manual for Country Studies Interactive Exercise: start your own TEEB Country Study Excursion: Walk around the isle Working Groups II: Needs and Benefits from TEEB related Initiatives to address challenges of TEEB Implementation Natural Capital Accounting * TEEB and related international initiatives * EU approach to ES in the context of TEEB * EU Pilot Study on Natural Capital Accounting Presentation and Discussion of World Café Results Plenary Discussion - Way Forward * Recommendations to Trondheim * Draft Policy Brief * Advance TEEB & Int. Exchange Wrap up and Closure of the Workshop Dinner Discussion of workshop outputs and further Country Studies * The Swiss Biodiversity Strategy * Freshwater Ecosystem Study in Croatia Introduction to further Country Studies and Networking * TEEB activities in Lithuania * ES Valuation and Application in Germany and Russia Get together
Workshop Outcomes/Outputs Informing/learning about TEEB Country Studies Networking (TEEB community) Developing new ideas on integrating TEEB and utilizing the results Publishing findings and recommendations (journal articles, policy brief, websites etc.)
Finally… We wish all of us useful impulses for our work! Please enjoy your stay on Vilm!