Key Stage 2 Assessment K.G.V. Thursday 15th March 2018 Parent Meeting
A revised National Curriculum was introduced in September 2014 The National Curriculum A revised National Curriculum was introduced in September 2014 It is a statutory requirement for schools. By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programmes of study.
How do we assess children’s learning? The tracking of every child’s progress is ongoing in lessons and through teacher assessments and testing. Teachers have been carrying out formative assessment and also summative assessment (e.g. Similar to SATs tests) throughout the academic year.
At KGV we track children’s progress and attainment throughout Reception to 6. We compare pupils’ attainment to what is expected nationally for pupils in their year group. Attainment is reported as being below, at, or above Age Related Expectations (ARE).
Year Six and SATs 100 Pupils sit their SATs tests in May. School is notified of the results from these. School also has to submit teacher assessments for each child. For each of the tested subject areas, pupils are given a scaled score based on their raw score.
A pupil’s scaled score will be based on their raw score A pupil’s scaled score will be based on their raw score. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil receives in a test, based on the number of questions they answered correctly. The pupil’s raw score will be translated into a scaled score using a conversion table, with ‘expected’ being scaled at 100. Last year children who achieved a scaled score of 105 or more were graded as ‘working at greater depth’. 100
End of Key Stage 2 SATs The SATs exams will take place during the week beginning Monday 14th May. During this week children will be assessed in: Reading Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Mathematical Reasoning Arithmetic Writing levels are based on teacher assessment and have to be submitted around 28th June.
Preparation for SATs: What are school doing? The children will be split into small groups based on their needs, to receive regular small group work on each of the tested areas. Each group is focussed on specific areas. The children are being exposed to the style of questions they will face in the tests. At this point our priorities are ensuring children are secure in key skills and are familiar with the tests so that they are as calm as possible.
Test Week Please ensure that your child gets plenty of sleep. School will be operating a Breakfast Club. We will be providing you with materials to help you support your child at home. Try to keep them calm. As long as they try their best, that is all we can ask of them! Click on ‘Key stage 2 tests’ to watch a video tutorial.