HSE LEARNING INCIDENT: To increase the gap between the blind flange and the pipe flange to enable installation of a sling on the loosened stud, IP right hand used the hydro test manifold fitted to the blind flange to lift and shift the flange instead of crowbar and kept his left hand on top of the blind flange to control the movement of the flange. During this process the blind flange slipped and his left hand middle finger got trapped between the blind flange and loosened stud resulting in crush injury to the distal phalanx of the middle finger. ROOT CAUSES: - LEARNINGS: Provide (weld) Eye-hook to blind flange for safe lifting. Key Learning: Use the right tool for the job. Finger Injuries Use this Alert: Discuss in Tool Box Talks and HSE Meetings Distribute to contractors Post on HSE Notice Boards Include in site HSE Induction Contact: MSE511 for further information or visit the HSE Website Alert No 73 LTI #38 2011 January, 2012