ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG Network Access – Customer Care Patrick Wögenstein M-AMA PCS Interface / notification ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG Network Access – Customer Care Patrick Wögenstein
M-AMA PCS Interface: Introduction What kind of Dossier-Information do we need? Import the whole Dossier every time No diff-checking anymore (change-sets) Every kind of Dossier-Information in M-AMA Possibilities to order a path? M-AMA? PCS? 1. Path request in PCS only 2. Path request in M-AMA and PCS 21.04.2019
M-AMA PCS Interface: Path request in PCS only M-AMA receives all Dossier-Information (notification) via webservice from PCS and creates an “PCS Path request”. M-AMA creates a „M-AMA path request“ with the Dossier-Information and links both requests. M-AMA sends the „M-AMA path request“ to Roman (national planning tool). 21.04.2019
M-AMA PCS Interface: Path request in M-AMA and PCS M-AMA receives all Dossier-Information (notification) via webservice from PCS and creates an “PCS Path request”. M-AMA finds the corresponding “M-AMA Path request” for the received “PCS Path request” and creates an link between both requests. M-AMA sends the „M-AMA Path request“ to Roman. 21.04.2019
M-AMA PCS Interface: Path request in M-AMA and PCS M-AMA receives the offer or allocation timetable from Roman (TT2020 TRAKSYS). M-AMA checks if there is a “PCS Path request” related to the timetable. If YES: M-AMA sends the timetable to PCS. PCS receives via webservice the timetable and send it back to M-AMA (notification). 21.04.2019
Dossiers in M-AMA: Overview 21.04.2019
Dossiers in M-AMA: Dossier PR (path request) 21.04.2019
Dossiers in M-AMA: Dossier PR RU-IM Pairs: Train Information: 21.04.2019
Dossiers in M-AMA: Dossier PR - IM Timetable 21.04.2019
Dossiers in M-AMA: Dossier PR Dossier interactions: 21.04.2019
Dossiers in M-AMA: Link in M-AMA path request 21.04.2019
The End! 21.04.2019