Short Tandem-Repeat Polymorphism/Alu Haplotype Variation at the PLAT Locus: Implications for Modern Human Origins  S.A. Tishkoff, A.J. Pakstis, M. Stoneking,


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Presentation transcript:

Short Tandem-Repeat Polymorphism/Alu Haplotype Variation at the PLAT Locus: Implications for Modern Human Origins  S.A. Tishkoff, A.J. Pakstis, M. Stoneking, J.R. Kidd, G. Destro-Bisol, A. Sanjantila, R.-b. Lu, A.S. Deinard, G. Sirugo, T. Jenkins, K.K. Kidd, A.G. Clark  The American Journal of Human Genetics  Volume 67, Issue 4, Pages 901-925 (October 2000) DOI: 10.1086/303068 Copyright © 2000 The American Society of Human Genetics Terms and Conditions

Figure 1 Diagram of PLAT gene structure, showing location of the polymorphic PLAT Alu and the (CA)n-1 and (CA)n-2 STRPs used in the haplotype analysis. Exons are shown as blackened boxes. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2000 67, 901-925DOI: (10.1086/303068) Copyright © 2000 The American Society of Human Genetics Terms and Conditions

Figure 2 Global distribution of populations included in the PLAT haplotype study. 1 = Biaka; 2 = Mbuti; 3 = Wolof; 4 = Ewondo; 5 = Bamileke; 6 = Bantu-speakers; 7 = Herero; 8 = Zu/Wasi !Kung San; 9 = Kwengo; 10 = Nama; 11 = Va/Sekele !Kung San; 12 = Ethiopians; 13 = Somali; 14 = Papua New Guineans; 15 = Micronesians; 16 = Nasioi Melanesians; 17 = Ami; 18 = Atayal; 19 = Chinese; 20 = Japanese; 21 = Yakut; 22 = Yemenites; 23 = Druze; 24 = Danes; 25 = Finns; 26 = Maya; 27 = Cheyenne; 28 = Ticuna; 29 = Surui; 30 = Karitiana. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2000 67, 901-925DOI: (10.1086/303068) Copyright © 2000 The American Society of Human Genetics Terms and Conditions

Figure 3 Haplotype-frequency distributions of (CA)n-1 STRPs (A) and (CA)n-2 STRPs (B), on Alu(+) and Alu(−) chromosomes from a globally diverse subset of the populations included in this study. STRP allele sizes are shown on the X-axis. Alu(+) haplotypes are shown as unblackened bars, and Alu(−) haplotypes are shown as blackened bars. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2000 67, 901-925DOI: (10.1086/303068) Copyright © 2000 The American Society of Human Genetics Terms and Conditions

Figure 3 Haplotype-frequency distributions of (CA)n-1 STRPs (A) and (CA)n-2 STRPs (B), on Alu(+) and Alu(−) chromosomes from a globally diverse subset of the populations included in this study. STRP allele sizes are shown on the X-axis. Alu(+) haplotypes are shown as unblackened bars, and Alu(−) haplotypes are shown as blackened bars. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2000 67, 901-925DOI: (10.1086/303068) Copyright © 2000 The American Society of Human Genetics Terms and Conditions

Figure 4 PCA plot of populations, based on haplotype-frequency variation. ○ = Sub-Saharan African populations; + = northeastern-African populations; ▵ = European and Middle Eastern populations; * = Oceanic populations; ○ = Asian populations; ▪ = New World populations; 1 = Biaka; 2 = Mbuti; 3 = Bantu-speakers; 4 = Ewondo; 5 = Bamileke; 6 = Wolof; 7 = Herero; 8 = Zu/Wasi !Kung San; 9 = Kwengo; 10 = Nama; 11 = Va/Sekele !Kung San; 12 = Ethiopians; 13 = Somali; 14= Papua New Guineans; 15 = Micronesians; 16 = Nasioi Melanesians; 17 = Ami; 18 = Atayal; 19 = Chinese; 20 = Japanese; 21 = Yakut; 22 = Yemenites; 23 = Danes; 24 = Druze; 25 = Finns; 26 = Maya; 27 = Cheyenne; 28 = Ticuna; 29 = Surui; 30 = Karitiana. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2000 67, 901-925DOI: (10.1086/303068) Copyright © 2000 The American Society of Human Genetics Terms and Conditions