Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien THE HEALTH CLINIC MØLLESTIEN Manager of the Health Clinic: Nurse Inger Pedersen 1
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Purpose (the Municipality of Aarhus): To promote the health of the citizen To simplify the citizens meeting with the health system To strengthen the cooperation between private practices, hospitals and the local community To promote the health and competence development of the staff Objective (the Municipality of Aarhus): To be able to master ones own life To gain confidence in ones own resources To get a network To become less dependent of the public authorities To feel that he/she has freedom of action 3
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien 4
5 There is a take-a- ticket queue management system where the citizen must take a ticket. If there is a queue, he/she can visit the café while waiting. In the café, the citizen will be able to see which ticket will be next for visiting the nurse.
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien The nurses field of responsibility: The nurse is responsible for complying with legislation, instructions, guidelines, objectives and frameworks within the field of nursing. The nurse-related tasks as regards the citizen. To carry out treatments prescribed by the doctor in cooperation with the general practitioner, a specialist or the hospital ward. To ensure quality assurance and development of nursing/health efforts in cooperation with the citizen and relevant staff. 6
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien To draw up and document aims and agreements as regards the nursing and health-related efforts and ensure that these are evaluated on an ongoing basis in relation to quality standards and overall objectives. To ensure that the proper care is identified and message is passed on to the relevant people or authorities if changes occur with regard to the citizens condition. 7
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien To coordinate the interdisciplinary health efforts in relation to the citizens needs. To work in a health promoting and disease preventive with regard to the citizens. Capacity to inform and teach citizens about health and illness. 8
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien To carry through lifestyle and motivational interviewing to support the citizens options and basis for making decisions and become responsible for his/her own life via a health pedagogical effort and the You decide- method. The nurses field of responsibility: The nurse is responsible for complying with legislation, instructions, guidelines, objectives and frameworks within the field of nursing. 9
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien To carry through preventive interviewing focusing on motivating and supporting the citizen to make a behavioural change. To contribute to promoting health-related ideas in the mind of the staff via information and teaching. The teaching can be directed towards the staffs efforts as regards the citizens and/or directed towards the staff. 10
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien To initiate, support and/or contribute to health promoting and preventive initiatives such as projects, seminars, campaigns and the like. To contribute to ensuring coherence in the health promoting and preventive efforts carried out at the inner citys residential homes and other efforts made by the Municipality of Aarhus. 11
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien Inger Pedersens visions before the start-up of the health clinic To create a health clinic that citizens like to visit To make the health clinic a success To create a health clinic which has a health promoting approach To create a health clinic in a nurse-related, developing capacity 12
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien To create a health clinic which has an interdisciplinary approach To create a health clinic which can be informative on health and illnesses To create a health clinic which is actively involved in health promoting and preventive projects/themes To create a health clinic which can contribute to health promotion among staff 13
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien 14 The furnishing of the health clinic There is a comfortable chair for the citizen to sit in if any nurse-related tasks must be carried out. There is a small table where citizen and nurse can sit and talk. There are always candles and flowers in the room to create a nice atmosphere along with colourful pictures on the walls.
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien Minimum requests made by the Municipality of Aarhus: The clinic must be open to citizens and next-of- kins, and it should be possible to walk right in from the street Staff should be allowed to enquire General practitioners and hospitals should be able to refer patients to the health visitor 15
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien Out of respect for the tasks one nurse should be the continuous figure at the health clinic Out of consideration for the citizen, he/she should meet the same nurse each time, i.e. there should be one regular nurse with one regular substitute nurse 16
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien A therapist is attached to the health clinic for sparring The nurse answers phone calls from citizens at least one hour per day every weekday Staff with specialist knowledge must be attached to the health clinic on ad-hoc basis 17
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien 18 In case of wound treatment, there is a sink. This has been placed so as to make the treatment most comfortable to the citizen.
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien Everyday life in the health clinic: 8 am – 9 amThe nurse answers phone calls 9 am – noon Open without appointment 1 pm – 3 pmOpen with appointment 19
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien Types of visits to the clinic: Wound treatment Drug-related treatment – Dosage – Antabuse treatment – Injections Measurings – Blood pressure – Blood sugar – Weight/fat Eye problems Hearing problems Urination problems – Catheter – Specimens of urine – Diapers Health interviewing/guidance – Health – Psycological support Emergency section Gate keeper 20
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien Number of visits: 21 The Health Clinic Møllestien 37 nurse hoursAfter 5½ months 258 visits/4 weeks = 13 visits/day The Health Clinic Marselis 67 nurse hoursAfter approx. 1 year ca. 200 visits/month
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien Study January 2008: The Municipality of Aarhus The health clinics serve 17% of the citizens who receive visits from the health visitor. The Health Clinic Møllestien The health clinic serves 20% of the citizens who receive visits from the health visitor. Week 5 Citizens who receive visits in the local district 343 Citizens who visit the health clinic 67 22
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien The team of the Health Clinic: Responsible nurse Regular substitute nurse Occupational therapist attached Ad-hoc
Sundhedsklinikken Møllestien Challenges concerning the Health Clinic: Decoration Finances PR Documentation Hygiene Cooperation between the health visitors + interdisciplinary cooperation Visibility towards citizens and colleagues Reception of colleagues in the clinic 24