The national perspective Thursday 24 November 2011 The national perspective Mrs Jan Davies, co-director, 1000 Lives Plus Insert name of presentation on Master Slide
Eight months on… Congratulations on progress so far….
Informing and delivering A Strategic Vision for Maternity Services in Wales
Together for Health The Vision for NHS in 2016 Health will be better for everyone; Access and patient experience will be better; Better service safety and quality will improve health outcomes.
breaking though to world class…. Improving health as well as treating sickness; One system for health; Hospitals for the 21st century as part of a well designed, fully integrated network of care; Aiming at Excellence Everywhere; Absolute transparency on performance; A new partnership with the public; Making every penny count.
1000 Lives Plus What next…..
“The Jönköping work has been shaped by an agenda focussed on quality and safety which places the citizen at the heart of its services. The result has been genuine engagement from senior management to the frontline and real involvement of those who access and benefit from its services.” David Sissling, Director General for the Department of Health, Social Services and Children, Welsh Government and Chief Executive, NHS Wales
The recommendations A common and consistent approach to improvement A patient/person driven NHS Wales Developing capacity and capability now – and in the future