Amserlen o’r hyn sydd wedi digwydd hyd yn hyn


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Presentation transcript:

Amserlen o’r hyn sydd wedi digwydd hyd yn hyn Diwygio Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a Gofal Plant Amserlen o’r hyn sydd wedi digwydd hyd yn hyn Medi 2015 – Mawrth 2016: Adolygiad sector: Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol a Gofal Plant Gorffennaf 2016: Cyhoeddi Adroddiad yr Adolygiad. Ionawr – Awst 2017: proses gaffael i gomisiynu cyrff dyfarnu i ddatblygu’r cymwysterau newydd Mawrth 2017: cyhoeddir y penderfyniad i gyfyngu Medi 2017: cyhoeddodd Cymwysterau Cymru y byddai’r consortiwm o City & Guilds a CBAC yn cyflwyno’r gyfres newydd o gymwysterau   1

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 1. TGAU Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a Gofal Plant 3. Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Egwyddorion a Chyd-destunau 12. Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Ymarfer a Theori 4. Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Ymarfer (Oedolion) 13. Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Ymarfer 7. Tystysgrif a Diploma mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Egwyddorion a Chyd-destunau 5. Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Ymarfer (Oedolion) 6. Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Ymarfer (Plant a Phobl Ifanc) 15. Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Ymarfer 14. Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Ymarfer a Theori 9. Paratoi i Arwain a Rheoli yn y maes Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol 16. Paratoi i Arwain a Rheoli yn y maes Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant 10. Arwain a Rheoli Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Ymarfer 18. Arwain a Rheoli Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Ymarfer 8. Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol gydag Arbenigedd 17. Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant gydag Arbenigedd 2. Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Craidd 11. Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Craidd Allwedd = Rhaid astudio'r cymhwyster craidd cyn neu ar y cyd â'r cymhwyster hwn = Cymhwyster seiliedig ar wybodaeth = Cymhwyster seiliedig ar ymarfer 7a. TAG Uwch a TAG Uwch Gyfrannol mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a Gofal Plant This slide places emphasis on the colours of the boxes. The presenter should focus on the progression of the individual learner. Remember that progression is not just a vertical step but is still of value sideways and even backwards. 2

o ddysgwyr fydd yn gallu cael mynediad at gymhwyster diwygiedig Rheoli Newid – Cefnogi darparwyr wrth iddyn nhw baratoi i gyflwyno'r cymwysterau Cyhoeddiad Cymwysterau Cymru Bydd y cymwysterau canlynol ar gael i'w haddysgu am y tro cyntaf o fis Medi 2019: TGAU Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a Gofal Plant Lefel 2 Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Craidd Lefel 2 Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Ymarfer (Oedolion) Lefel 2 Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Egwyddorion a Chyd-destunau Lefel 3 Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Ymarfer (Oedolion) Lefel 3 Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol: Ymarfer (Plant a Phobl Ifanc) 80% o ddysgwyr fydd yn gallu cael mynediad at gymhwyster diwygiedig 80% of learners of all learners wanting to study a HSC, and Childcare qualification will be able to register on a reformed qualification from September 2019. Everyone involved in the content and assessment development process has worked tirelessly towards the shared goal of innovation and excellence. Everyone agrees that the most important thing is that the qualifications and support materials developed are of the highest standard and support the workforce to deliver world class person centred services. We have listened to feedback and revisited the recommendations from both the QW and the Estyn reviews and we are now refining the work completed so far in order to ensure that we have addressed issues such as duplication, assessment burden, adequate and appropriate stretch and challenge, portability and transferability. We are working diligently to ensure that the mandatory content in all the qualifications reflects the core knowledge, understanding and skills so that we can be confident that every learner completes these areas as the standard requirement. We are confident that this approach will reduce the complexity of the qualifications and will focus providers and learners on the areas that are of the utmost importance. Lefel 2 Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Craidd Lefel 2 Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Ymarfer Lefel 2 Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Ymarfer a Theori Lefel 3 Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Ymarfer 3

Yn effeithio ar lai na 1 o bob 5 dysgwr Rheoli Newid – Cefnogi darparwyr wrth iddyn nhw baratoi i gyflwyno'r cymwysterau Cyhoeddiad Cymwysterau Cymru Er mwyn gallu cyflwyno'r gyfres newydd o gymwysterau fesul cam, gohiriwyd y cymwysterau canlynol TAG UG a Safon Uwch mewn Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Gofal Plant Lefel 3 Tystysgrif/Diploma mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Lefel 4 Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol gydag Arbenigedd Lefel 4 Paratoi i Arwain a Rheoli mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Lefel 5 Arwain a Rheoli mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Yn effeithio ar lai na Yn effeithio ar lai na 1 o bob 5 dysgwr Lefel 2 yn ymhlyg i wneud dilyniant yn rhwyddach Lefel 3 Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Ymarfer a Theori Lefel 4 Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant gydag Arbenigedd Lefel 4 Paratoi i Arwain a Rheoli mewn Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Ymarfer Lefel 5 Arwain a Rheoli mewn Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant: Ymarfer Y gyfres lawn ar gael erbyn mis Medi 2020 What does this mean for centres delivering GCE AS and A Level Health and Social Care, and Childcare qualification - The staggered approach to launch dates is likely to benefit centres as it allows teachers to familiarise themselves with new materials, assessment practices and content of the new GCSE from September 2019 prior to the introduction of the new AS and A level in September 2020. Learners registering for the As and A Level in September 2019 will register on the current WJEC AS and A Level in Health and Social Care What does this mean for centres delivering the Level 3 Certificate Diploma Health and Social Care: Principles and Context qualifications The staggered approach to launch dates is likely to benefit centres as it allows teachers to familiarise themselves with new materials, assessment practices and content of the new Level 2 HSC: Principles and Context qualifications from September 2019 prior to the introduction of the new Level 3 qualification in September 2020. Learners registering for Level 3 knowledge-based qualifications in Health and Social Care in September 2019 will register on the current BTEC National Health and Social Care qualifications (or available alternatives) What this means for centres delivering Level 4 and 5 Leadership and Management qualifications in Health and Social Care, and Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development The new L4 and L5 Leadership and Management qualifications will be available by September 2020, at the latest, and some may be available from January 2020. There will continue to be qualifications and routes available to learners during this period, including: City & Guilds Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for HSC Services City & Guilds Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for CCLD Level 4 University Certificate Step up to Management (Social Care Wales) What this means for centres intending to offer the L4 HSC, and CCPLD with Specialisms qualifications We continue to work with QW, SCW, NHS WEDS and others to consider the most appropriate approach to the development of these qualifications. This includes the range of specialisms to be offered and the size and structure of the qualifications. Mae'r gwaith yn parhau ar ddatblygu cynnwys a dulliau asesu ar gyfer y cymwysterau hyn. Bydd mwy o wybodaeth ar gael cyn gynted â phosibl ar 4