Learning Target 7.34 I can demonstrate understanding of the conflict and cooperation between the Papacy and European monarchs, including Charlemagne, Gregory VII, and Emperor Henry IV.
Read “The Coronation of Charlemagne” and answer the following questions. What is the meaning of the name “Charlemagne”? What did Charlemagne’s grandfather do for Europe? Who became king of the Franks in 751? How was he related to Charlemagne? Why were the Papal States important? What happened to Pope Leo in 799? What was Charlemagne’s role in this event? What happened to Charlemagne on Christmas Day in 800? What was Pope Leo’s role in this event? Are these events (#5-#6) examples of conflict or cooperation between the papacy and monarchs? EXPLAIN your answer. Create a t-chart outlining 3 reasons (for each person) Pope Leo and Charlemagne were involved in the coronation.
Middle Ages With the fall of the Roman Empire; Europe split into many kingdoms, beginning the time known as the Middle Ages 500 – 1500 Christianity begins to spread across Europe because of missionaries (sent by the Pope) and monks Monks served as scribes and helped people read and write – monks lived in monasteries
From Gaul to France Christianity spreading farther north Group called the Franks conquers Gaul in the 480s and takes over area we now know as France under the rule of Clovis – he makes this area Christian
Charlemagne comes to Power A leader named Charlemagne becomes leader of the Franks in the late 700’s Brilliant warrior, strong king – creates huge empire Spends much of his time at war By the time he was finished he conquered what is now France – stretched into modern Germany, Austria, Italy, and northern Spain.
Emperor Charlemagne Because he was a Christian king who conquered parts of the Roman Empire, on Christmas Day in 800 Pope Leo lll crowned him Emperor of the Romans symbolized a return to the greatness of the Roman Empire
Improving Education He built schools across Europe he brought greatest religious scholars and teachers of the Middle Ages to teach in his capital- Brought the people of Europe together Helped them realize they shared common bonds like Christianity They were Europeans, not members of tribes!
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