The Good Samaritan Luke 10:30 By Becky Kew Published at
The Lord Jesus just finished telling a man the two very most important things that a person could ever do with their life.Do you know what they are?
Can a person who is in their sins do this. Why Can a person who is in their sins do this? Why? What needs to happen so that we can please God and live for him?
Two thieves jumped a guy.
They took everything he had and left him half dead They took everything he had and left him half dead. A Levite was passing by, (they helped the priest in the temple.)…………
A priest passed by too……
A Samaritan came by…
He gave the man first aid and took him to a Inn. What is an Inn?
The Samaritan paid for his care and told the Inn keeper, whatever more you spend, I will pay for when I come back.
Jesus asked: Which of these three men, proved to be a neighbor to the one who was robbed?
The Levite and the Priest are a picture of RELIGION The Levite and the Priest are a picture of RELIGION. Can religion, clean up a person’s sins?
The Samaritan man, is a picture of the Lord Jesus. He came down to that man and met his need. How?
The Lord Jesus Came down to earth from Heaven.
He paid for his care. How?
The Lord Jesus never did anything wrong yet was punished for all of our sins he has paid for every person’s sins.
3. The Samaritan said that he would come back again.
The Lord Jesus is coming back again too!
Faith in what Jesus did for you on the cross is what takes away your sin and saves from punishment.
Have you taken God’s gift?