Using Algebra to Solve Problems Form 1 Mathematics Chapter 2 and Chapter 4
Like Terms and Unlike Terms When we work on the followings, we should put together the like terms and then simplify! For examples: 1. A +2B +3A +4B = A +3A +2B +4B = 4A + 6B 2. A -2B –3A +4B = A -3A -2B +4B = (A-3A) + (-2B+4B) = (-2A) + (2B) = -2A +2B Ronald HUI
Equations Addition of equality (等量相加) X – 7 = 2 X -7 +7 = 2 +7 X = 9 Ronald HUI
Equations Subtraction of equality (等量相減) X + 7 = 12 X +7 - 7 = 12 -7 Ronald HUI
Equations Multiplication of equality (等量相乘) X 5 = 4 X 5 5 = 4 5 Ronald HUI
Equations Division of equality (等量相除) 5X = 20 5X 5 = 20 5 X = 4 Ronald HUI
Time for Practice Page 91 of Textbook 1A Page 92 of Textbook 1A Class Practice Page 92 of Textbook 1A Questions 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25
Good Luck! Enjoy the world of Mathematics! Ronald HUI