THE WINNIPEG GENERAL STRIKE OF 1919 Andrew t. Ryan y. Sadie W.
Post-War Canada Was not a time of peace Returning soldiers could not find jobs Immigrants had took their former jobs Caused high rates of unemployment among soldiers
Post-War Canada War factories closed down, led to unemployment and bankruptcies The cost of living rose up by 64% in 1913 People could not keep up with the inflation Some wanted better wages and working conditions Others just wanted to find a job
The Winnipeg General Strike (May 15, 1919) Winnipeg’s building and metal workers went on strike for better wages 2 weeks later, Winnipeg Trades and Labour Council went on strike (11 a.m.) 30,000 union and non-union workers had walked off their job Eventually, all services had shut down
Winnipeg General Strike Video
Women and the Winnipeg General Strike Approximately 500 women had walked off their jobs Women against the strike were called “scabs” Conflicts often occurred between the scabs and the women who striked Women at home had low incomes and were faced with the absence of goods and services Notable people: Helen Armstrong & George Armstrong
Soldiers and the Winnipeg General Strike (June 1,1919) 10,000 returning soldiers marched Approached the Provincial Legislature and the Mayor’s House Announced their solidarity towards the strike
BLOODY SATURDAY (June 21,1919) violence had erupted Crowd overturned a street car and set it on fire Royal Mounted Police attacked the crowds 2 people were killed, 30 people were injured, and 94 people were arrested
Aftermath Many families did not recover from their financial losses Some strikers no longer had jobs to go back to The strike was successful in creating attention to social and economic problems people faced Labour leaders became more involved in politics
Aftermath It achieved none of its immediate aims Had made the relationship between the government and labour very tense In the long run, wages and working conditions has improved drastically thanks to the strike Considered to be the largest general strike in Canadian history