Lets Get Engaged!!! Using Technology within Blackboard
Welcome! Introduction of Presenters Welcome to the Virtual Attendees Overview Technology can be used in all classroom formats (face to face, hybrid, and online) Focus of this session is to share information about technology that can be utilized within blackboard to Enhance Student Engagement.
Student Engagement First Four Weeks
Announcements Using Web tools to create virtual announcements: VokiVoki: ( ) AudacityAudacity: ( ) JINGJING: ( ) FlickrFlickr: ( ) vs Announcements
Videos & Video Hosting Sites 1.YouTube free viewing, account required for uploading videos on the webhttp:// Vimeo – free registration, community video sharing TED- free videos talks and performances from TED conferences, TEDx and partner events Use WilmUs Library Resources – Films on Demand
Presentation Tools 1.Prezi – non linear presentation. Develop content on a canvas and create paths to content pages VuVox Photos, Videos, text, and music on an horizontal screen. Narrate Interactivity 3.Present Me – Present a PPT with video Capzles – Create multimedia experiences with videos, photos, music, blogs and documentshttp://
Faculty Contact Tellagami ( ) Picture Youtube video Russell for Professional videos Create your own web page
Discussion Board Creating CyberCafe and subscribing to it. Edutopia Edutopia : collaboration-digital-citizenship WISC-Online: Learning activities help people succeed - find your success here!
Gradebook Rubric tool in gradebook _center_creating_a_rubric.htm Providing formative feedback an example
Example of Feedback
College of Health Professions Blackboard Discussion Rubric EVALUATION CRITERIA 0 Unsatisfactory 0.25 Unsatisfactory 0.50 Satisfactory 1.0 point Proficient SCORE Participation in Discussion Does not enter discussion. Provides minimal comments and information to other participants. Participates infrequently in on-line discussions or ; and postings are irrelevant or superficial Interacts with only one or two participants by posting queries, comments, and thoughtful responses. Interacts with a variety of participants by posting queries, comments, and thoughtful responses. Content of PostingDoes not add to the discussion. Adds little to the substantive discussion. Reveals a restricted understanding of the topic limited to information that could be derived from prior posts. Reveals adequate understanding of the topic as evidenced by posts telling us something new. Postings consist largely of personal opinions or experiences. Postings are accurate, original, and relevant. Makes significant contributions to the discussion. Reveals a solid understanding of the topic as evidenced by thoughtful responses and questions. Critical Thinking evidenced by Posting Does not enter posting. Provides no evidence of agreement or disagreement with existing discussion. No insight or analysis displayed. Agrees or disagrees with existing discussion and provides limited justification/explanation (e.g., text readings, resources). Offers a critical analysis of an existing posted idea or introduces a different interpretation to an existing idea. ResponsivenessDoes not respond. Logs onto Bb on one (1) occasion during the week and responds to the posted discussion. Does not adhere to any posted deadline. Logs onto Bb on two (2) separate occasions during the week and responds to the posted discussion. Misses initial posting deadline. Logs onto Bb on three (3) or more separate occasions during the week and responds to the posted discussion. Adheres to the posting deadlines. Writing StyleDoes not write response. Limited ability to convey ideas noted. Below expectations of work at this level. Errors noted in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Able to present ideas. Work appropriate for this level of student. A few grammatical or spelling errors identified. Skilled presentation of ideas. Engages reading. Absolutely no errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar noted. Total Rubric Score = 5 points
Best Practices for Teaching Online 1.Be present at the course site. 2.Create a supportive online course community. 3.Develop a set of explicit expectations for your learners and yourself as to how you will communicate and how much time students should be working on the course each week 4.Use a variety of large group, small group, and individual work experiences. 5.Use synchronous and asynchronous activities.
Tools in Minutes The images has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Google, Android, and Web 2.0 applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. minutes.html This site contains 60 Tech Tips in 60 Minutes minutes/ This site contains 30 different tech tips in 60 minutes
Best Practices BB exemplary Rubric Live Online Course Review IDEA
Try this… Everyone take out your Cell phone, Ipad, Iphone, Tablet, whatever technology you have with you right now!