Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Mayor Helen Sprawson-White Representing Frome Town Council
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Frome, Mendip, Somerset, England Frome Château-Gontier Murrhardt Rabka-Zdrój
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place United Kingdom Queen Elizabeth II
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place UK Parliament House of Commons House of Lords Houses of Parliament Palace of Westminster London
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Coalition government Prime Minister David Cameron (Conservative) with The Queen Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg (Liberal Democrat)
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Frome and Somerton MP David Heath
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place House of Lords
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Acts of Parliament
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place European Parliament Graham Watson, Somerset's most local MEP European MEP Electoral Regions of the UK
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place 9 English Regions
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place County and District councils County Council District Council Divided Education Social services Transport Strategic planning Fire services Consumer protection Refuse disposal Smallholdings Museums Libraries Local planning Housing Local highways Building regulation Environmental health Refuse collection Recreation Cultural matters **Somerset - Local functions divided between two tiers
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Representing the community Local councillors
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Local government workers NATIONALLY: two million people employed by local authorities local authority spending £90 billion a year
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place How local government is financed PRINCIPAL LOCAL AUTHORITIES Grants Central government provides specific and general grants Council Tax Council Tax provides about a quarter of local funding. Each household pays an amount depending on the value of their home. Business rates Business rates are a property tax on businesses and other non-domestic properties.
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Parish Funding Annual Precept: Income and expenditure calculated for the next financial year Net amount (the precept) is added to council tax No central government funding
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Town and parish councils Parish Councils created in ,000 community, parish and town councils 400 known as Town Councils 100,000 councillors
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place MAYORS Elected Mayor of London Boris Johnson Ceremonial Mayor of Frome Helen Sprawson-White
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Somerset County & Districts
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Local Government in Somerset Somerset 3 tiered local government Somerset County Council Mendip District Council Frome Town Council
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCIL 965,000,000 Euros 58 Councillors 14,000 staff Responsibilities include: Education Social Services Highways / Road Safety Libraries and Museums
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place MENDIP DISTRICT COUNCIL 50,000,000 Euros 47 Councillors 500 staff Responsibilities include: Cemeteries Planning Applications Refuse Collection Street Cleaning Sports Centres
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place FROME TOWN COUNCIL 1,106,632 Euros 17 Councillors 17 staff
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Victoria Park Tennis, Bowls, Petanque
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Victoria Park café
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Bandstand - Re-thatched Re- thatched to last another 40 years
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Mary Baily Playing Field
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place New skate ramps
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Rodden Meadow on river Frome
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Floral town
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Grow it Yourself – Council Allotments
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place New Town Entry Signs
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Funding for Community Events - Frome Festival
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Community facilities Cheese and Grain Hall - from music to markets
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Planning Applications Statutory consultee Receives copies of all development planning applications for Frome These are just some of them…
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Public toilets
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Frome Information Centre
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Town Twinning
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Tour of Britain
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Jenson Button F1 World Drivers Champion 2009
Frome Town Council - making Frome a better place Some functions of Frome Town Council Provides grants and support to local voluntary or other organisations who demonstrate significant local benefit through their projects e.g. youth activities, Police Community Support Officers, activities for older residents, the Frome Festival, school crossing patrols and other public events which encourage visitors to the town, help retailers and entertain residents Manages and maintains Victoria Park, Mary Baily Playing Field, Murrhardt Gardens and adjoining woodland (North Parade), Zion Path, Rodden Meadow at the end of Willow Vale and Merchants Barton public conveniences Provides and maintains floral displays in the town and Victoria Park and is involved with Britain in Bloom Provides Christmas lights displays in the town events and organises the annual Frome Christmas Spectacular Provides 7 allotment sites which are administered by Frome Allotments Association: Funds provision and maintenance of street furniture, signposts, bollards, seats, bus shelters etc Provides funding for new street lights and reports street light faults to Somerset County Councils contractors Considers every planning application submitted and passes its views back to the relevant authority Supports the Town Mayor and a Town Crier as part of the civic and social life of the town Provides partnership funding for town CCTV coverage, as part of community safety and anti-social behaviour reduction initiatives with Mendip Community Safety Partnership Supports provision of Alcohol Restricted Zones, giving police increased powers to tackle anti–social behaviour related to excessive drinking Supports Town Twinning activities Leases the Cheese & Grain building from Mendip District Council and sub-lets it to Cheese & Grain Ltd as a community facility Promotes tourism Reports blocked drains, overhanging hedges, waste issues, highway faults to the relevant authority on behalf of the town Provides member support for committees, forums and working parties; appoints representatives to local organisations and special interest groups Lobbies relevant agencies and third parties on issues of the day that are important to the community MISSION STATEMENT Frome Town Council will work for and with local people to make Frome a better place