The Southern Colonies Chapter 3, Sec 1
The Southern Economy A. Virginia and Maryland B. South Carolina C. Labor i. indentured servants ii. Eliza Lucas
II. Southern Society A. Planter Elite or Gentry B II. Southern Society A. Planter Elite or Gentry B. Backcountry Farmers or Yeoman Farmers i. Subsistence Farming PLANTER ELITE Backcountry Farmers, Indentured Servants, tenant farmers, enslaved Africans
Bacon’s Rebellion A. Sir William Berkley B. Nathan Bacon C. Impact-2 Important Things! D. Royal African Company
Slavery in the Colonies: 1619-early 1700’s The Middle Passage Early Slavery Evolvement Virginia’s Slave Code
Key Concepts from Sec 1 1. Southern Economy-What was it based on and how was this practical? 2. Class System in the colonies- How was it organized and what does it have to do with events from this section? 3. Bacon’s Rebellion- Causes and Impact that it had on southern society Slavery in the Southern Colonies Breakdown of imported Africans Early slavery(1619) compared to slavery in the early 1700’s