This book tells you about Any complaints to: Ofsted 6th Floor Piccadilly Gate Store Street Manchester M1 2WD Tel: 0300 123 1231 Welcome This book tells you about Link Plus
Link Plus can help you spend time away from home… You will see your carer mostly at weekends or when there is no school.
You will meet new people and make new friends… Or you might go out to the cinema.
You will have a Link Carer, who is like a new friend. Don’t be frightened when you meet your carer. They will get to know you and ask what things you like.
Your carer might take you out for dinner… Or you might go shopping in town.
You might sleep over at your carer’s house… And watch a film together.
You will do fun activities with your carer, like listening to music… Or singing, drama or football
REMEMBER- YOU DECIDE! We will make this as fun and safe as possible for you. And will find out how you feel about this. REMEMBER- YOU DECIDE!
So Link Plus can put it right! If you’re unhappy with your carer Talk to Link Plus (01273) 411767 or someone you trust, like: Friend Teacher Family Social Worker So Link Plus can put it right!
Acknowledgements We would like to thank the young People, Parents and Carers from Link Plus who have contributed to the design and writing of this new guide
These pages are for you to write your own ideas and questions about Link Plus