20th century world The world is very different in the past. Innovation and adaptation changed many things.
The past to the present In the 20th century the world was rich in natural supplies and wildlife. Every country was rich with wildlife that it had supplied humans for long. Sizes of the wildlife creatures were massive. They had drawn attention to themselves that it had changed their current population. Some have extinct through the times and some have gone endangered.
huge events (1900s) The Wright brothers invented the plane, which made overseas travelling easier these days, Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity which is the theory of how gravity connects with other natural forces, Henry Ford’s first Model-T that started the evolution of cars.
Huge events (1910s) The first world war begun which caused many deaths all around the world, Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg, the Mona Lisa painting was stolen from the Louvre that surprised France and art lovers.
huge events(1920s) Women won the right to vote that had a huge celebration among them, Adolf Hitler was jailed for failed coup in Germany, Babe Ruth scored a world record home run that held for 70 years.
Huge events (1930s) World War 2 started and caused chaos all around the world, The great depression hit the world in which Hitler took advantage of, Nazi started to take over Europe and begun the persecution of Jews.
Huge events (1940s) War ended and started Indonesia’s independence day, the 1940s watched Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination, after the 2nd world war ended, the cold war begun.
HUGE EVENTS (1950S) The deadly polio disease was found a vaccine, the space race between USA and the Soviet Union started, color T.V. was invented that allowed people to observe many footage of entertainment.
Source https://www.thoughtco.com/mohandas-gandhi-the-mahatma-195668 https://www.thoughtco.com/20th-century-timelines-1779957 https://www.thoughtco.com/mona-lisa-stolen-1779626 https://www.thoughtco.com/1910s-timeline-1779948 https://www.thoughtco.com/hitlers-beer-hall-putsch-1778295 https://www.thoughtco.com/1920s-timeline-1779949 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20th_century