Student Number and Diversity (December 2018) Quantum & Nano Optics Laboratory Facility During 8 years (2009-2013) a total of 290 students (64 groups) carried out the labs with lab report submission and more than 192 students (~17 groups) attended lab demonstrations (OPT 101, Colgate Univ., Brighton High School, Alfred Univ., FiO participants). 2013: 54 students (10 groups) carried out labs; 2012: 60 students (11 groups) carried out labs; 6 students attended demonstrations; 2011: 43 students (11 groups) carried out labs; 36 (3 groups) attended demonstrations; 2010: 53 students (11 groups) carried out labs; 37 (3 groups) attended demonstrations; 2009: 60 students (11 groups) carried out labs; 84 (7 groups) attended demonstrations Among 290 students (64 groups) who carried out the labs with lab report submission 52 students (16 groups) carried out the whole, 4 credit hour OPT 253/ OPT 453/ PHY 434 course with four labs (15 hours for each lab); one Summer student carried out two labs. 50 freshmen (10 groups) carried out 12-15 hour OPT 101 research projects; 4 students (2 groups) of PHY 243 W carried out 15 hour entanglement lab; 60 students (14 groups) of OPT 223 carried out 3-hour versions of (1) entanglement and (2) single photon interference labs; 26 graduate students (4 groups) of Advanced Quantum Optics courses PHY 534/OPT 554 and OPT 412 carried out 3-hour versions of (1) entanglement and (2) single photon source labs; 90 Monroe Community College students (17 groups) of Modern Physics course carried out 3-hour versions of 1) entanglement and (2) single-photon interference labs. 5 students and professor from Adelphi University carried out all 4 labs during 1.5 days. At the same time Univ. of Rochester professor and science writer carried out 2 labs during one day. Each year, the quantum optics labs were parts of the following courses: 2013 Fall: 13 students (3 groups) – OPT253/OPT453/PHY434; 6 students – OPT 101. 2013 Spring: 14 students (2 groups) of OPT 412; 21 students (4 groups) – MCC. 2012 Fall: 7 students (2 groups) - OPT 253/453/PHY434; 9 students (2 groups) - OPT 101; 5 students and 1 professor - Adelphi Univ; 1 science writer and 1 professor – Univ. of Rochester. 2012 Spring : 9 students (2 groups) - OPT 223; 26 students ( 4 groups) - MCC; 1 Summer student; lab demonstrations to 6 students and professor – Alfred Univ. 2011 Fall: 2 students - OPT 253/PHY 434; 10 students (2 groups) - OPT 101; lab demonstration to 36 freshman (3 groups) - OPT 101. 2011 Spring: 14 students (4 groups) - OPT 223; 17 students (4 groups) – MCC. 2010 Fall: 6 students - OPT 253/453/PHY 434; 16 students (3 groups) - OPT 101; lab demonstrations to 37 freshman ( 3 groups) - OPT 101. 2010 Spring: 17 students (4 groups) - OPT223; 14 students (3 groups) – MCC. 2009 Fall: 7 students - OPT 253/453/PHY 434; 9 freshmen (2 groups) - OPT 101; lab demonstration to 19 freshmen (2 groups) - OPT 101); 30 students (2 groups) - lab demonstration to Colgate University and 35 (3 groups) Brighton High school students. 2009 Spring: 20 students (4 groups) - OPT 223; 12 students (2 groups) - PHY 534/OPT 554; 12 students (2 groups) - MCC. 2008 Fall: 7 students (3 groups) - OPT 263 (253)/OPT 453/PHY 434 and PHY 243 W (12-hour entanglement lab); lab demonstration to 30 (3 groups) FiO participants including high-school teachers. 2007 Fall: 6 students (3 groups) - OPT 253/OPT 453/PHY 434. 2006 Fall: 8 students (4 groups) - OPT 253K/OPT 453/PHY 434. For 2014-1018 years see next pages
During 8 years (from 2009 to Dec 2013) a total of 290 students (64 groups) carried out the labs with lab report submission and more than 192 students (~17 groups) attended lab demonstrations (OPT 101, Colgate Univ., Brighton High School, Alfred Univ., FiO participants). From Spring 2014 to December 2018 (included quantum labs in OPT 204 and 254) 2014: OPT 204: 27 students MCC: 27 students OPT 253/OPT 453/PHY 434: 14 students OPT 101: 4 students 2015: OPT 204: 36 students OPT253/OPT 453: 12 students OPT 254: 6 students 2016: OPT 204: 41 student OPT 254: 8 students OPT 253/ OPT 453: 20 students 2017: OPT 204: 49 students OPT 101 - 4 students OPT 253/453 PHY 434 - 14 students OPT 254 – 8 students 2018: OPT 204: 41 students OPT 101 – 3 students OPT 253 – 9 students OPT 254 – 9 students PHY 243 W – 2 students Lab demonstrations 2014-2015: OPT 204 – 27+36 = 63 students
2006-2016: 517 students (144 MCC) -labs and 255 labs demonstrations. 2017 75 total 2018 64 total 2006 -2018: 656 students (144 MCC among them and 5 from Adelphi Univ.) + 255 lab demonstrations to the students. UR students (2006-2018): 507 UR students passed through the labs with lab report submissions, presentations or posters.