Ministering to the Elderly
1. Recognize that aging is a normal part of life and a stage that all will enter if death does not get us first.
2. Face your own fears about aging, which might keep you from being effective with present ministering opportunities.
3. Realize that basic human needs for love and self-worth have not changed just because someone has aged.
4. To be accepted and needed and to feel worthwhile to one’s self and others are basic needs for all of us, young and old.
5. There are many losses that the aged face, which adds to their likelihood of experiencing depression and discouragement:
Loss of physical health and strength b. Loss of mobility and independence c. Diminishing eyesight, hearing, etc.
d. Loss of family and friends e. Loss of respect from many people f. Loss of job and feeling needed
g. Financial crises h. Some lose their homes and have to live in a nursing home or with relatives.
6. Many lose their position/respect from many people. 7. Most life goals have been met, so many feel hopeless about the future.
8. Most are dealing with fears of the future 8. Most are dealing with fears of the future. Many face loneliness due to death of spouse and family.
9. Most face illness of one kind or another, and many deal with depression in a way they have never experienced, simply due to life’s circumstances.
What can we do to minister to these aging saints?
1. Realize that God has placed a high value on aging, and expects us to care for them.
For the active senior: Providing easy access to classes and worship services. b. Having comfortable chairs for them.
c. Being sensitive to their needs to keep warm d. Providing large print hymnal and Bibles and literature and bulletins.
e. Providing transportation when needed. f. Developing a ‘widow ministry’ for tasks that have become a burden to them…
g. Providing activities for them: trips, Bible studies, etc.
For the shut-in senior: Assign someone to each senior as a liaison to the church and its resources. b. Have a calling service to check on them each day
c. Provide transportation to the doctor and to the grocery store when needed, or do the shopping for them.
d. Visit-visit/send cards to remember birthdays and holidays.
e. Provide DVDs or tapes of worship services and Sunday School, or have someone go to the home and teach the lesson each week.
f. Do yard and house chores for them g. Listen to them…they need someone to talk to. And hug them, when appropriate. Loving, appropriate touch is needed by everyone.
h. Be available to them for whatever need they may have.
i. If they are in a nursing home, visit them weekly on a regular schedule if possible. Their days and weeks will have more meaning if they can ‘plan’ on your coming.
Be creative. You can think of other ways to be of help Be creative. You can think of other ways to be of help. And ask them what they need from you…..
What are you waiting for?