Print, Email, Save Results TUTORIAL EXPERT Product Tabs Print, Email, Save Results
ToxPlanet’s EXPERT product tabs allow users to easily navigate search-specific content contained within its various products and their many component collections. In this tutorial, we will look at how to Print, Email, and Save results from the EXPERT product tabs.
After conducting a search, product-specific results can be found under the respective Product Tabs at the top of the screen.
Click on a Product Tab to display the collections and documents available in that Product for that search.
Enable the ToxPlanet print feature by clicking on the orange PDF icon in the right-hand corner of the screen.
The system converts the results list to PDF and displays it in a new window with native Adobe controls.
To Print the results, click the Print icon. To Save the results, click the Save icon. To Email the results, attach a copy of the saved file to an email and send.
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