Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Terms Classify It Labs Main Ideas Debate It $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 The sum total of all processes in an organism which convert energy and matter from outside sources and use that energy and matter to sustain the organism’s life functions What is metabolism?
1 - $200 The process by which physical and biological characteristics are transmitted from the parent (or parents) to the offspring What is inheritance?
1 - $300 A hypothesis that has been tested with a significant amount of data What is a theory?
1 - $400 A cell that has no distinct, membrane-bounded organelles What is a prokaryotic cell?
1 - $500 An abrupt and marked change in the DNA of an organism compared to that of its parents What is a mutation?
2 - $100 An organism that can make its own food What is an autotroph or producer?
2 - $200 Organisms that break down the dead remains of other organisms What is a decomposer?
2 - $300 Organisms that eat only plants What are herbivores?
2 - $400 A cell with distinct, membrane-bounded organelles What is a eukaryote?
2 - $500 An organism composed of only on eukaryotic cell What is a protist?
3 - $100 The purpose of the meat tenderizer, pineapple juice, and contact lens solution in the DNA extraction lab. What was to break down the proteins?
3 - $200 The four main criteria of life all of the living or once living organisms had in the Characteristics of Life lab What is DNA, Energy, Respond, and Reproduce?
3 - $300 The efficiency of energy transfer from rodents to the barn owl in the energy dynamics lab What is 10%?
3 - $400 Another name for the biological key you used during the biological classification lab to classify organisms What is a dichotomous key?
3 - $500 The type of reproduction we will observe in the planaria in the reproduction lab What is asexual reproduction?
4 - $100 Have DNA, extract energy, respond, and reproduce What are living things?
4 - $200 Living things need this in order to carry out all of life’s other functions. Most of this comes from the sun. What is energy?
4 - $300 God designed organisms on earth to perpetuate life in different ways. Name the two ways by which organisms perpetuate life. What is asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction?
4 - $400 All life comes from God. God designed living things to have these instructions or blueprints for life. What is DNA?
4 - $500 Real science depends on the scientific method. These are the steps of the scientific method. What are make observations, form a hypothesis, conduct an experiment to test the hypothesis, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions?
5 - $100 Viruses are alive. Viruses cannot reproduce on their own and not all viruses contain DNA.
5 - $200 Science is able to prove things. Science cannot prove anything. The best science can say is that all known data support a given statement. Data can come from experiments that may be flawed.
5 - $300 A wise person places his or faith in science. The wise person trusts the Bible, because it is infallible.
5 - $400 A mule is a species. Mules are the offspring of a male donkey and female horse. They are almost always infertile (incapable of producing viable offspring). There is a Latin phrase “cum mula peperit” meaning "when a female mule has given birth.” (once in a blue moon or never)
5 - $500 All life on earth descended from one or a few simple life form(s) that lived on earth billions of years ago and was(were) formed through abiogenesis. The Bible says “And God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.’ And it was so.” Genesis 1:24 (ESV)
Final Jeopardy The hierarchical classification proposed by Carrolus Linnaeus from Kingdom to Species. What is Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species?