How to Annotate a Text
Bellringer Come in and have a seat. Get out your sticky note from yesterday along with any paperwork you have signed, your English Lab Fee, and any supplies you have to give me. Keep the yellow card I gave you out on your desk.
Annotation is not….
Highlighting everything
Just writing a symbol
Annotation is…. Responding to the text. Define words or slang Make connections (personal or educational) Draw a picture if it is appropriate Re-write or rephrase a difficult part New perspective Give historical background Offer analysis Point out literary techniques Ask Questions
Annotation symbols
Annotation Steps 1. Read the article silently. 2. If possible, read the article out loud. 3. Circle words you don’t understand. 4. Look up words and definitions. 5. Read article closely, looking for areas to make connections, summarize, ask questions, etc.
Your turn. Now that you have seen how a text can be annotated, try your hand at it. Read the article on the back about Texas Football. Make at least three annotations (Only one can be a defined word)