What should be discussed Results Framework and results tracker Variance Plan B
What should be discussed WP1: What matooke delivered the NARITA? What matooke delivered the new 48 selected hybrids (this is not linked to amount of seeds and amount of hybrids) All PYT material from IITA and NARO should be evaluated in the same field
What should be discussed Reduce breeding blocks because: Enough seeds Enough hybrids Is there a need to use genetic relationships as part of the crossing schemes? Should EMBRAPA and IEB/IITA use the same SSR?
What should be discussed What can WP2-5 offer NOW to WP1
What should be discussed WP2: List of germplasm screened: Different for each pest/disease No link to breeding material No link to segregation populations Mapping of pests/diseases: Country Testing sites Breeding sites
What should be discussed Should we infect the 5 testing sites with everything?
What should be discussed WP3: QTL analysis for BS? Genomic prediction: Use average or individual info per genotype What needs to be improved when we redo the work for plantain? Are we using all criteria of the farmers? Plantain sequencing: what about EAHB?
What should be discussed WP4 Start baby trials when mother trials are finished Will we process the new 48 hybrids in the same way as the current NARITAs? Any suggestions for the current breeding selection criteria?
What should be discussed WP5: BMOP Mislabbeling There is no IITA ontology=breeder’s ontology When do we start actually using it?