What it should mean to you… Emotional Wellness What it should mean to you…
The Wellness Concept Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. Process means that improvement is always possible. Aware means that we are continuously seeking more information about how we can improve. Choices means that we consider a variety of options and select those in our best interest. Success is determined by each individual to be their collection of life accomplishments. http://www.definitionofwellness.com/
Dimensions of Wellness Social Emotional Environmental Physical Intellectual Vocational Spiritual
Dimensions of Emotional Wellness Emotional wellness encompasses many aspects of one’s life. For example: A person can be physically fit, but feel lonely in their personal life. A person can be satisfied in their vocation, but feel anxious around people. A person can recycle and live environmentally friendly, but feel depressed.
Life’s Ups and Downs It is a normal occurrence for people to experience ups and down throughout their lifetime. Emotional wellness is learning how to cope, manage, and adapt to these ups and downs. It is important to recognize and analyze your emotional state throughout your life.
What impacts emotional wellness? Life Events Happy milestones – marriage, birth of a child, career successes. Health status – maintaining health or managing a disease or pain. Loss of loved ones - losing someone expectedly or unexpectedly. Tragic events – diagnosis of a disease, accidents, natural disasters, loss of life.
What impacts emotional wellness? Personal Relationships Family – maintaining open communication and loving relationships in a healthy home life. Friends – having a proper support network and socialization with others. Coworkers – having professional work relationships in a supportive environment.
Physiological Response The following systems of the body are physiologically affected by depression: Cardiovascular system and blood pressure, Metabolic systems and blood sugar levels, Muscle aches and joint pain, Exhaustion, fatigue, and sleep problems. Emotional wellness can greatly impact one’s physical health if not properly managed. Speak with your healthcare provider about any emotional concerns.
Emotional Activities at GVS Musical Events Singing Groups Saturday Night Movies Life Stories Writing Memory Support Group Low Vision Support Group Volunteering Arms Full of Stitches Green Ladies Humor – Comedian Massage Therapy Exercising