a week-by-week Bible study for 2017 week 30: Romans 11:1-10
Bible study time A gentle proposal
Today’s class Reading the text (What does it say?) Explaining the text (What does it mean?) Applying the text (So what?) Personalizing the text (Now what?) Table prayer time (How can we help?)
Condensed ESV outline Righteousness introduced (1:1-17) (3) Righteous wrath (1:18-3:20) (6) Saving righteousness (3:21-4:25) (3) Righteous freedom (5-8) (11) Righteousness Jews (9-11) (8) Righteous living (12:1-15:13) (9) Paul’s closing (15:14-16:23) (5) Righteousness summarized (16:25-27) (2)
If/whether but/and/also/moreover/now grace no longer from/out of/after works/toil/labor because/else/for/otherwise/since/when the/this/that/one/he/she grace but/and/also/moreover/now to cause to be/to become grace Romans 11:6
Table prayer time See the “Weekly Update” at your table Review and update prior prayer requests Write down new prayer requests Lean in, engage, and pray as a table Clean up and move to the auditorium