Attachment to heavenly life. Karma-kanda in Vedas. Samadhi. Text 2.42 - 2.46 Attachment to heavenly life. Karma-kanda in Vedas. Samadhi. Vedas deal with three modes. Knowing the Supreme - culmination.
Text 2.42-43 Flowery words in Vedas. Heavenly planets and enjoyment thereof. Less intelligent – their knowledge limited to heaven and hell. Many austerities for sense enjoyment – wine and women.
Text - 44 Samadhi. Not possible for those who are attached to bhoga and aishwarya. Bhoga. Aishwarya.
Text 45-46. Vedas deal with 3 modes. Krsna’s advice to rise above 3 modes. Vedanta philosophy for transcendentalist. Hierarchy of scriptures. Purpose of Vedas. Knowing the Supreme means understood all the vedas. E.g. Advaita acharya feeding Haridas thakur and also well and river. Rituals not so important, but the purpose. E.g. cat covered with bucket by house lady.