SDG Teach-In: A brief introduction to The Sustainability Team at CCCU SDG Teach-In: A brief introduction to
Aims of the Session To introduce some vocabulary around the SDGs and sustainable development. To provide a basic introduction to the 17 goals in the SDGs. In doing the above, to create a base on which advanced discussions and debates could be held in future. Since this is designed as a 30 minute session, it is difficult to discuss the individual goals in depth. Therefore, the broad aim is to simply introduce the students to the SDGs.
What are the SDGs? The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the world’s #globalgoals for a better tomorrow. They are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
What Areas Would You Set Goals In? If you were to suggest goals that all countries should meet to make the whole world a better place for everyone, what areas and what goals would you choose? You have 5-7 minutes to write your answers in groups. You need large sheets of paper and markers for this section. You can start the students off by giving them examples of areas such as health and education
Here are the 17 SDGs. Can you guess what they are Here are the 17 SDGs. Can you guess what they are? You have 5-7 minutes to work them out! In the same groups working with the same sheets of paper, students make a list of the 17 goals
How many did you get right?
For more details about each goal
A quick recap of the SDGs
We have discussed the Sustainable Development Goals, But What is Sustainable Development? Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Sustainable Development: An Overview
Discussion on the SDGs (If you still have time) In the pre-testing phase of this session, we found that the students were very keep to discuss the broad philosophical aspects as well as the details of the SDGs. If you have time, please encourage them to do so in groups or as a whole seminar group.
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