Assured Pressures Proposal Transmission Workstream 6th March
Background NTS undertake network analysis based on the latest supply and demands required of the NTS NTS provides an annual assured offtake pressure to DNOs Actual physical system operates to assured pressure in summer and a higher pressure in winter Compressors need to be run to attain pressure in summer DNOs have to plan winter requirements to annual assured pressure
Summary of Proposal Annual assured pressure is replaced with summer and winter pressures Winter pressure applying 1 Oct to 31 March Summer pressure applying 1 April to 30 Sept Physical system operation stays the same but commercial regime is changed to more accurately reflect the physical Summer / Winter pressures to be facilitated through OCS process, as annual assured pressure is now
Impacts Associated environmental benefits Will lead to more efficient and economic operation of the system Potentially lower assured summer pressures Less compressor usage Less compressor standby Potentially higher assured winter pressures Allows DNOs to plan to higher pressures Associated environmental benefits Minimal impact envisaged for Shippers but views sought
Next Steps Proposed that Mod be taken to March Mod Panel Short consultation period (12 days) Would seek a 1 June implementation in time for OCS process