EMOS - European Master in Official Statistics Pieter Everaers, Eurostat ESS RDG 2014 Item 8a ESS RDG 12 December 2014
EMOS governance ESSC 'owner' of EMOS EMOS Secretariat EMOS Board Universities EMOS Board Application for the EMOS label EMOS Secretariat Recommendation to award the label Awarding of the EMOS label Way to get the EMOS label Report Support and communication
EMOS governance: ESSC 'Owner' of the EMOS label Award of the EMOS label Nomination of the EMOS Board Guarantee the quality of the label
EMOS Board: mandate Assess the applications for the EMOS label and make proposals for award to the ESSC Presents an annual report and working plan to the ESSC and the universities Monitors the quality of the Master programmes Further development of EMOS
EMOS Board: Call for application Published in September with deadline 15 October 2014 14 applications from private experts 9 NSIs expressed their interest ESAC and the Central Banks proposed their candidates Eurostat evaluated the applications by taking into account competence and experience in the area of official statistics at the European and/or international level, representativeness, geographical origin of the candidates, and gender
EMOS Board: member NSIs: Finland, Italy, Romania, Netherlands, Poland and Eurostat Private members: Mojca Bavdaž (University of Ljubljana), Gindrutė Kasnauskienė (Vilnius University), Csilla Obádovics (University of West Hungary), Ralf Münnich (University of Trier), Pedro M. P. Simões Coelho (University of Lisbon), Alain Trognon (University of Paris) ESAC: Maurizio Vichi (University of Rome) Central Banks: Jens Mehrhof (German Central Bank)
Roadmap to the EMOS Label Call for interest (15 September 2014) Preparatory workshop (11-12 December 2014) Application for the EMOS label (27 February 2015) Evaluation of the applications by the EMOS Board in March 2015 Award of the first Master programmes with the EMOS label by the ESSC in May 2015
Thank you for your attention! http://www.cros-portal.eu/content/emos ESTAT-EMOS@ec.europa.eu