The Rise Of Industry
Industrial Revolution Definition: A time of Rapid change and growth when people changed from making things by hands to machines Two New Industries: Railroads- Linked all parts of the country so raw materials and goods could be brought from countryside to city Steel- Huge quantities of low cost, strong metal were produced for making Railroads, machines, Factories
Transcontinental Railroad Definition: A Railroad that would connect the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean Union Pacific- Job was to start on the East end of Omaha, Nebraska and lay tracks westward Central Pacific- Start at West end of Sacramento California and lay tracks Eastward Both Were to meet in the middle
Age of Steel Andrew Carnegie- Born in Scotland and Immigrated to United States where he worked and bought stock in companies to make money. He built a steel factory and made steel cheaper becoming a millionaire Stock Holder- People who own Part (stock) of a company Corporations- A business who is owned by many investors who pay for its initial expenses for profit later on
Black Gold (Oil)/ Rockefeller’s Oil Trust John D. Rockefeller- A Young Business man who believed refining oil would be important to the oil industry. With 4 partners he created the Standard Oil Company, a Monopoly, and became a billionaire Standard oil Company-Rockefeller's Business which became a monopoly controlling most of the oil refineries in the world
Monopoly- A company that controls all production and sales of a particular product or service (No Competition) Trust- A group of corporations that unite in order to reduce competition and control prices in a business or industry Advantages? Disadvantages?
Communication and Technology Alexander Graham Bell- Believed he could invent a device that would allow a person to talk to another person far away. The telephone was his invention in 1876 Thomas Edison: The most productive inventor between 1860 and 1900. His inventions included: Phonograph (Record Player), Motion Picture Camera, Light Bulb, and the Power Plant
Henry Ford- Moved to Detroit, Michigan to get a job and work on his idea of a horseless Carriage , A vehicle that ran on its own power. First car was created in 1903 Interchangeable Parts-Creating parts to fit all types of Vehicles or Machines Assembly Line- a production method that allowed for a product to move down a line and each person would be responsible for one specific job on that line. This increased the speed of production
New Production Methods Assembly lines and interchangeable parts were used by factories to speed up production Advantages? Disadvantages?
Agenda 3/18/10 Warm-up: Journal entry What were some positive aspects of the Industrial Revolution? How could this era lead to negative influences on people and culture? What is going to change because of this revolution and how? Industrial Revolution video