From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons Cyberlesson From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons AUTHOR: Jenna Ferrara Let’s Begin Recommended Grade Level: Grade 2
Introduction Have you ever wondered how a seed becomes a plant? Return Home Let’s continue Introduction Materials Have you ever wondered how a seed becomes a plant? Click on the picture below to watch Moby and Annie learn about a plant’s life cycle.
Materials From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons Return Home Let’s continue Materials From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons computer with internet connection pencil Before, during, and after reading worksheets paper towels plastic jars bean seeds sprinkler bottles strips of black construction paper
Return Home Let’s continue Before Reading Before reading the text with a partner, take a picture walk together and decide on three things you think you will learn from reading this text. Click on the picture on the right to open the worksheet. Print a copy of the worksheet and fill out with your partner.
Click on the picture to print and fill out an activity sheet. Return Home Let’s continue During Reading 1. Some seeds are inside of a pod or fruit. Tell how the pod or fruit might protect the seeds after leaving the plant. 2. Bees sometimes bother people in the summer, but it is important not to crush them. Why? What do bees do for plants and for us? 3. How are animals important to the survival of plants? How are plants important to the survival of animals? Click on the picture to print and fill out an activity sheet.
After Reading After reading, I wonder if you can… Return Home Let’s continue After Reading After reading, I wonder if you can… describe 4 ways that pollination happens - if you need help, click here 2. draw the life cycle of a plant Click on the picture to print and fill out an activity sheet. Click on the picture to the right to test your knowledge of From Seed to Plant.
You will now plant some bean seeds so that you can watch seeds grow! Return Home Let’s continue Beyond Reading You will now plant some bean seeds so that you can watch seeds grow! - Click here to print and read step by step directions along with a plant journal. All needed materials are on the back counter. Put your name on your plant journal and complete the first page. Place your finished bean plant in the tray on the windowsill.
Evaluation Student’s task Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Return Home Let’s continue Evaluation Student’s task Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Before Reading Worksheet You thought of less than 4 comments about the text. You thought of a total of 4-5 comments about the text. You thought of 3 questions and 3 predictions about the text. During Reading Worksheet You did not apply your knowledge from the text to answer the questions. You applied your knowledge from the text to answer 1 or 2 questions. You applied your knowledge from the text to answer all 3 questions. After Reading Worksheet You correctly recalled one to four things from the story. You correctly recalled five to seven things from the story. You correctly recalled eight to nine things from the story. Planting a Bean Seed You did not follow directions to plant and observe your bean seed. You followed some directions to plant and observe your bean seed. You followed all directions to plant and observe your bean seed.
Credits Extra information on seed dispersal Return Home Let’s continue Credits Extra information on seed dispersal From Seed to Plant quiz - Delta Education, LLC (for Bean Seed Planting directions)
Return Home Let’s continue Teacher Page Prior to this lesson, instruction should be given about non-fiction text structure. This lesson is geared so students can work with a partner. Students may do so in the context of a computer lab. If computers and printers are present in the classroom, students can work with a partner to complete the activity. Less experienced readers may need assistance in reading the text. Teacher may provide recorded versions of the text for such students or pair students heterogeneously.