Hampshire Futures Safeguarding Update July 2017
Who needs safeguarding? Vulnerable adults “An adult who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation” Children & young people “ child is anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday”
What staff should know & do? Safeguarding & promoting the welfare of children, young people & adults is everyone’s responsibility A co-ordinated approach to safeguarding
The role of centre staff Staff are in a position to identify concerns early to prevent concerns from escalating A designated safeguarding lead (DSL) will provide support to all staff members A responsibility to provide safe environment Be aware of the centre safeguarding policy & procedure, staff conduct policy and the role of the DSL All staff should receive these documents at induction
Role of centre staff All staff should receive appropriate training which is regularly updated; this can include: e-bulletin updates Staff meetings Staff should update their training every three years if they are regularly dealing with safeguarding issues (weekly) and annually if it is not part of your regular work Know how to report a concern
Discussion Who is your DSL? Do you know and keep their contact details? What training did you receive at induction? What further training have your received? When was your last update? How often do you deal with safeguarding issues?
What should staff look for: Bullying & cyber bullying Children missing education Children missing from care or home Child sexual exploitation Domestic violence Drugs Fabricated or induced illness Faith abuse Female genital mutilation Forced marriage Gangs & youth violence Gender based violence
Hate Mental health Missing children and adults Private fostering Preventing radicalisation Relationship abuse Sexting Trafficking Neglect Training & access to resources will provide more information on understanding and identifying abuse and neglect. Knowing what to look for is vital to the early identification of abuse & neglect; talk to your DSL if you are unsure.
What to do if staff have concerns make a referral to social care or the police if a child or adult is in immediate danger or risk of harm Talk to your DSL if you have concerns but are unsure what to do next All concerns, discussions & decisions made & the reasons for those decisions should be recorded in writing
What to do about concerns about another staff member? Refer these to your head teacher or centre manager Consider discussing these concerns with your DSL Any allegation against a member of staff working for HCC must be reported to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) within one working day The LADO will follow local safeguarding board procedure to ensure the allegation is investigated thoroughly
MASH Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub Provides triage & multi agency assessment of safeguarding concerns in respect of vulnerable adults & children Brings together professionals from a range of agencies into an integrated multi agency team
How to make the referral For all emergencies call 999 Contact Children’s Services or Adults’ Health & Care During office hours 8.30am – 5pm 0300 555 1384 (Children) (1386 Adults) Out of hours service 0300 555 1373 Professionals should use the inter-agency referral form
Any Questions? Contact: Dee John Programme Manager Dee.John@hants.gov.uk