November 2013 Global National Conference Call: Your Global Fund Media Matters! November 9, pm ET Dial RESULTS the power to end poverty Guest Speaker: Jeff Gerrit
Opening the Call: Legislative Director, John Fawcett Welcome Important Global Fund moment IC announcement Joint December Conference Call Possible special guest today
Guest Speaker Jeff Gerritt, Deputy Editorial Page Editor, The Toledo Blade & Cameron Duncan Media Award Winner Key Points: Life of the editor How to develop a relationship Tips for working with editors Covering global issues The local angle Q&A (after Joyce Kamwana)
Guest Speaker #2 Joyce Kamwana, Coalition of Women Living with HIV and AIDS in Malawi (COWLHA) Key Points: Highlights from working with the media and RESULTS grassroots while on tour Q&A
Legislative Update Legislative Director, John Fawcett Key Points: Latest intelligence on US Global Fund pledge Media successes Media tools and tactics How we use your media for influence Big, final media push needed
Media Highlights We can win, if we choose to fight this Asheville Editorial Diseases are on the run in Africa and elsewhere Salt Lake Editorial Medical assistance gives Africans a second chance at life Greensboro Editorial The battle against HIV/AIDS isnt done Charlotte Editorial What is your headline? Your Citys Editorial
Grassroots Café Ken Patterson, Global Grassroots Manager Key Points: Board Chair, Scott Leckman announces winner of Grassroots Board election Shares by: Heide Craig, Group Leader of Greenville, SC & Regional Coordinator Anne Child of Austin, TX & Regional Coordinator Development update by Jen Maurer Polling Questions on media we will generate Heide CraigScott Leckman
Polling Questions Will you or your group be making follow up calls to editors in the coming week? On your phone keypad, press 1 if yes, 2 if no. How many opeds will you or your group be submitting in the next 2 weeks? On your phone keypad, press the number for your response. Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. How many letters to the editor will your group and network get published in the next three weeks? On your phone keypad, press 1,2,3,4,5, etc.
Fundraising Update Thank you to our event fundraisers! Well over $100K raised this month Austin, Houston, Kitsap/Bremerton, Bernardsville, Ann Arbor/Detroit, Inland Empire, and Columbus Upcoming: Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Olympia Virtual Thanksgiving Feast Highlights hunger work. Friends donate online to help those suffering from hunger during a time of plenty. Ideal for free agents or groups too busy with outreach events to do fundraising events Visit Jen Maurer, Development Manager A Turkey
Your Agenda Today Tweet Todays Call: Use the hash tag #RESULTScall and Powerful Speaking: Practice the laser talk while it's fresh. Editorial: Who will follow up with your editor on a Global Fund editorial? Oped: Who from your group will write an oped on the Global Fund? LTE: Take action as a group by having everyone write a LTE today. Use our Action Sheet. Engaging Others: Organize an E&A on writing LTEs on the Global Fund.E&A on writing LTEs Engaging Others: Decide who will share this link with your action network for writing a letter to the editor on the Global Fundshare this link Group Reporting: Catch up on group reporting – lobby meetings and other actions. Click the links to begin reporting.lobby meetings other actions Next meeting Time: When will we meet next as a group? Find all Global Fund media and outreach resources here (right) or paste this in your browser: Find all Global Fund media and outreach resources here
Laser Talk on Pitching a Global Fund Oped, Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate Engage: Luwiza Makukula is in the US to thank us for saving her life. She is alive today because of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria, and the US is the top contributor. Problem: Few Americans know how things have changed around these three diseases over the past 10 years. Nor do they know how many lives our investments in the Global Fund have saved. Inform: Since 2002 the Global Fund has put 5.3 million people on antiretroviral therapy, has treated 11 million cases of deadly TB, and has distributed over 340 million mosquito bednets. The Global Fund saves and estimated 100,000 lives each month. Call to Action: I would like the people in our community to know more about the Global Fund, and pass on Luwizas message of thanks. The best way would be an editorial. If not that, would you be open to printing an oped from me that would highlight 3 things? 1. The track record of the Global Fund in saving and improving lives. 2. The feeling of gratitude expressed by Luwiza and others. 3. The opportunity we have to control AIDS, TB, and malaria and why US leadership is critical during the upcoming replenishment conference in December.