States of matter Matter- anything that has mass and takes up space. Kinetic theory- explains how particles in matter behave All matter is composed of particles Particles are in constant, random motion Particles collide with each other and walls of their container
Four states of matter Solid- has definite shape and definite volume. The particles are closely packed in geometric arrangement.
Four states of matter Liquid- indefinite shape and definite volume. The particles have more space and slide past each other.
Four states of matter Gas- indefinite shape and indefinite volume. The particles have energy to spread out evenly in container.
Four states of matter Plasma- high temperature gas, its particles are positively and negatively charged.
States of matter The state of a sample of matter depends on temperature. Temperature- related to the average kinetic energy of an objects atoms or molecules.
States of matter Thermal expansion- increase in the size of a substance when the temperature increases and contracts when cooled. An exception would be when water is cooled it expands.
Changes in States of matter Melting from solid liquid Melting - change from a solid state to a liquid state. Melting point – temperature at which a solid melts.
Changes in States of matter Freezing from liquid solid Freezing - change from a liquid state to a solid state. Freezing point – temperature at which a liquid freezes.
Changes in States of matter Vaporization from liquid gas Vaporization - change from a liquid state to a gaseous state. boiling point – temperature at which a liquid begins to vaporize. Evaporation- can occur at surface of liquid without heating the liquid. Liquid turns to a gaseous state.
Changes in States of matter Condensation from gas liquid Condensation - change from a gaseous state to a liquid state. Condensation point – temperature at which a gas condenses.
melting Vaporization freezing condensation