Lima Company METL Assessment 26 April 2018
Lima Academic Assessment Cum GPA ending Spring 17 Cum GPA as of today Class Absences last year Class Absences this year Number GPA< 2.0 last year Number GPA < 2.0 1C 3.31 3.07 211 88 2C 3.12 2.69 189 128 4 3C 2.73 2.86 109 100 1 4C 2.9 2.87 108 36 5 2 Total 3.01 617 347 6 10 Current data for cadets currently in L Co as of 4/24/18
Lima Academic Assessment 2.95 GPA last semester Gold Stars - 20 Dean’s List - 37 Nobody on academic probation 3.0 GPA No one below 2.0 GPA Lower class absences 145 excused 13 unexcused Use academic resources Strengths Evening study habits, especially during finals preparation Weaknesses Class absences were absolutely inexcusable this semester. We have one cadet who cannot return because of class absences and a few more that are close.
Lima Academic Strategy How we are going to maintain: By handing off goals to incoming AO and warn him/her of “at risk” cadets. How we are going improve: Motivate cadets to achieve higher GPAs and hold themselves accountable for their actions. Weekly meetings with at risk cadets by AO and Advisor
Lima Military Assessment Total Demerits last year Total Demerits this year Class I Offenses last year Class I Offenses this year 4C Attrition 2017 2018 1C N/A 1 2 2C 3C 4C 7 6 Total 3
Lima Military Assessment Goal- 4C retention, All class development Strengths- Strong staff officers and ground level leadership Weaknesses- “Trust but Verify”
Lima Military Strategy How we are going to maintain: Keep morale high and positive work environment through class unity and school pride. How we are going to improve : Invest time into every person and P.R and double check meeting expectations often Continue professional counseling for those in need
Lima Moral/Ethical Assessment Number of honor accusations /findings last year 2017 Number of honor accusations /findings this year 2018 Number of sexual harassment/ assault incident reports last year assault incident reports this year Number of Company Community Service Projects last year this year 1C 2/1 2C 3C 1/1 4C Total
Lima Moral/Ethical Assessment Goals: 2018: No honor accusations/violations No Sexual Harassment/Assault Reports Strengths: Low number of Honor Accusations Weaknesses: ⅔ of the Honor Accusations were in violation No community service projects as a class/company
Lima Moral/Ethical Assessment How we are going to maintain: Continue informing underclassmen on the Honor system and the consequences of Honor violations Keep the company informed of what sexual harassment/assault is and the zero tolerance policy How we are going to fix: Appoint a community service leader in the company, responsible for organizing community service opportunities throughout the year for the company/classes Have the Honor Reps have more of a presence within the company and ensure that upperclassmen are informed on the specifics of the Honor Code
Lima Physical Assessment CPFT avg last year CPFT avg this year Number of CPFT failures last year Number of CPFT failures this year Number of H & W failures last year Number of H & W failures this year 1C 234.1 210.36 2 1 2C 215.23 218.56 3C 237.93 235.8 4C 239.28 216.68 Total 231.64 220.35 4
Lima Physical Assessment Goals- Change the Mentality surrounding Corps Pt. Strengths- Physical Competence Weaknesses- Taking the PT test serious
Lima Physical Strategy How we are going to maintain: -Continue to change morale at morning PT How we are going to fix: -Show company the impact PT results have on the company. - Have Athletic Officer act as a personal trainer
Lima Overall Assessment Last Year This Year Academic P Military Moral-Ethical Physical Fitness
Lima Overall Comments 2019 GOALS: Academic Implement a company study hall for all classes under a certain GPA Military Eliminate PRs for restrictions by having weekend duty remind cadets with punishments and constant supervision Physical Keep the participation up for intramurals and motivation up for Corps PT Moral/Ethical Find a cadet that is serious about community service and let him/her lead community service projects