What is the What Dave Eggers
Context Based on the real life of Valentino Achak Deng 1980s - Fled Sudan 9 years in Ethiopia and Kenyan refugee camps 2001 - resettled in Atlanta, GA 2006 - Established Valentino Achak Deng Foundation http://www.vadfoundation.org/
North/South Sudan Split Sudan was a British colony. North: Like Egypt - Arabic speaking. South: Like Western Africa colonies - Kenya, Uganda First civil war was conflict over decolonization, after England stopped ruling in 1946. Second civil war was over oil fields and other natural resources.
2nd Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005 Broke the Addis Ababa Accord - Seperates the powers between the central Sudanese government and the regional powers of South Sudan. Formed Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA): Rebels who want to establish an independent South Sudan.
2nd Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005 Sudanese Government v. Sudan People’s Liberation Army South Sudan gained independence in 2011 2 million + people died because of the war. (conflict, famine, disease) 4 million + displaced because of the war.
Side Note: Darfur Genocide starting in 2003 - continues. Sudan’s government “ethnic cleansing” against non-Arabs. 200,000 - 400,000 civilians were murdered. El-Bashir wanted to make a more Arab (Muslim) country. .
The Lost Boys 20,000 + Dinka and Nuer boys who were displaced during the 2nd Sudanese Civil War. 1983-2005
Themes Connection to the Land War and Genocide Importance of Storytelling Coming-of-Age
Shameless Plug Luol Deng - NBA Forward Fled Sudan - Egypt - London - New Jersey Mr. Bucarey’s friend from high school